9 Weeks of War Data - Analysis

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Aug 8, 2013.

  1. The problem with stats and charts is data can always be manipulated to show or prove whatever you want. Where is the raw data? Show me a ss devs or it didn't happen  but ummm nice charts? What does plunder disparities prove?
  2. I call BS in this whole thing. Sure if you take 50 clans and over months if malipulation make them become carbon copies of eachother.

    Than match them against each other you will produce a nice tidy graph how well we all fit into your cookie cutter mold.

    take all these restrictions off. Ignore the constant no life cry babies we see and let all clans who fill your pockets .

    Let us war !!!!!!
  3. Nice, but complicated read
  4. Plunder disparities show nothing about how close a war really was. Especially when players can sko more easily under the advantage war system to prevent a total blowout.

    Wars have been decided just by match up more in the last few weeks than they were in season one, the new system disguises it well though.
  5. My clan feels that only 2 hour wars is not a good idea because not everyone has the time.we have real life to think about too,plus I think everyone should be able to hit everyone on the war roster.It is a war game.........Also season 2, If a warrior wars all season 2 but ends up not having and rancor levels he gets no equip do you think that's fair? (That's my own opinion about the equip.)Thank you for your time,Galatians
  6. you all know if they didnt try to run 15-20 wars a week to max xstal sales and trimmed back they could take more time to match clans better.

    Group clans by member size groups 25-30, 30-35, 35-40. Than by strenght with in each group.

    Allow more clans to war and not have to change builds dump allys ect ect.
  7. Sorry about any missed spelled words or any mistakes. Thank you,Galatians
  8. Don't complain about the time on 2hr wars. Is that a joke? Wars used to 24 or 48 hours. Those were actually tough. 2 hrs is nothing. :roll:
  9. Yes I realize that, but EE trails is different and people are busy in real life.
  10. This is complete bs debate hit ratios r making my clan ranked 60th in strength match top 15 clans in strength and yet u don't fix this!!!! I'm seriously debating on sitting out wars. Which sucks cause it's my favorite thing to do
  11. If you're happy with the results because of plunder score differentials, you could not be further disconnected with your own product.
  12. So this weekend we have 2hr wars with 10 min set ko time. Devs I promise u didnt want to do this those pretty graphs u made are about to get shattered. 10 min SET ko time and dtw/dts I smell blowouts coming.

    P.s last weekend we had an enemy thay couod not be hit by 26 people on our roster but he managed to make 2.6b plunder please explain that
  13. Hard to draw any conclusion relative to max or average plunder in the wars. Once the new lands and T6s combined with the 2x/3x gold EBs growth is expected. You can't really conclude war changes haven't had an impact at least with the data you provided.

    But atleast with both accounted for it didn't go down. I'm still reserving judgement on new matching system but good to see the blowouts decrease, though I do wonder if that's related to who is warring rather than system changes.
  14. Agree with the la res guy. We got them in a war that was most def a no match in previous alg. Then we get NW that Woukd have been a no match the other way. Both wars were slaughters. 1 for and 1 against. Neither was fun. No match is necessary to keep peeps from burnout and to keep them wanting to war. Way too much time spent in war prep just to know u don't have a shot. All the major clans have become very even in strategy and you can't overcome what once was easy to overcome.
  15. So any word on when season 2 is gonna start
  16. I would like to see match ups better matched but believe if we lowered minimum accepted could be more
    Beneficial for smaller clans wanting to war
  17. KaW_admin,

    After looking over the limited data you have released, I have a few observations or questions (some of which have been expressed above, but I reiterate them nonetheless).

    (1) In the last two weeks you indicate you believe there has been a reduction in the number of blowouts. However, before we can conclude that there is a coorelation between the reduction in blowouts and the changes made recently, can you provide information as to the changes that were made between weeks 5-7 and weeks 8-9? For example, it goes without saying that a shorter war will, by definition, result in a smaller plunder difference as there is less time for the prevailing team to build up a lead (and the use of percentages rather than raw numbers does not make this less true if you are using statistical regression analysis). For example, and using only the KO system as a discussion point, if you can turtle, the plunder difference will be smaller, even if you are being sat on by a stronger team--that does not mean it is a better matchup, it simply means the Random/Advantage system gives the party who has been KO'd the opportunity to pop up and self KO before the attacker can reasonably be expected to hit them--thus tightening the plunder differences, but not necessarily meaning the matchup itself was more equal.

    (2) For what it's worth, I don't think the KaW community will ever be a consensus on Random/Advantage KO times versus set KO times. People have different reasons for favoring one system over the other. People who hate spamming targets for up to 5 minutes will never see eye to eye with people who equally dislike being KO'd the moment the come up from KO in a set system. Many people have suggested a 15 minute KO with up to 2 minute advantage/random window in order to give a little to each side. Just a thought.

    (3) WIth respect to the issue of DTW/DTS--I tend to agree with the people who say remove it from the actual gameplay (even if you retain it in the matchup system). As I understand it, your rationale seems to be that the matchup will be fairer if a LB player will be prevented from hitting a smaller player--but in reality the LB player would never waste his/her attacks on smaller players when plunder is the name of the game. The LB player will concentrate on the top 4-5 people from the opposing clan and simply decimate them. At the other end of the scale, weaker players generally do not try to hit the top of the clan, but will concentrate on the middle where their equipment bonuses make it more likely that they will succeed in their attacks. Consequently, it is the middle of the clan that can be hit by all players from the other side, and that is like being in a meat grinder. Therefore, in order to counter this problem, man clans employ their middles to "take out the high and low ends" so to speak. This leaves the LB players at the top and the GH players at the bottom waving at each other and waiting for a kingdom in the middle to pop up so they can crush it. That sucks for the middle players. So if you insist on keeping DTW/DTS as part of the mechanic, I would suggest only having it as part of the matchmaking mechanic, but not the actual war itself.

    I'm sure other thoughts will follow as more people express their opinions. Thanks for trying to make the system better.


  18. This is totally BS. My clan had been matched with stronger clans for 2 consecutive weeks now. The biggest difference was 90M combined stats!!! We managed to win 2 wars n lost the rest. Why don't you analyze our matches and tell me why a clan that have being winning consistently in season 1 n trial 1-7 is now struggling in ur system? Your system is FLAW. Plse WAKE UP 
  19. Yes I realize 2hr wars are just for this weekend. But you could put like one 1hr war thank you.
  20. U all can use the "Clan Owners Lounge" thread for clan owners' unified voice from each clan. Clan owners can exchange their views about this main topic how to improve the war system.