9/11 - What Really Happened

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Imitation-Cheese, Sep 11, 2015.

  1. Where the engines found at the world trade center?

    Honest question, i dont know if they were or weren't.
  2. It's entirely possible. I've read stuff that said the CIA's purpose was losing popularity after the Cold War. An agency without a purpose is an agency facing spending cuts.

    Considering that they're an agency allowed to operate without any oversight and claim "state secrets" as a defense, it should come as no surprise that they'd use that privilege to keep themselves funded.

    It's no secret that the Taliban were given material support in the form of cash and weapons from U.S. Ground forces during the afghan occupation. I'm literally not even talking about conspiracies right now. Anyone can google this and see it published in the media.

    And I bet that we will soon find out that we are also supporting ISIS. But by the time we do find out, it will probably be too late and we'll have Hillary in office to lead us into ground combat in Syria and probably Iran, too.

    Maybe the CIA's real job is to keep our country in endless war.
  3. If the CIA was making fake plans of terrorist attacks on the USA and ppl went for it for money hell let them rot in jail..... Could have been a real attack... They allowed money to control them to the point of attacking their own Country real waste of Money I believe but I wouldn't feel sorry for the ones rotting in prison. As far as the bolts rusting I never heard about that but I wouldn't b shocked many buildings aren't watched as closely as they should or when they notice problems they took their damn sweet time about fixing them.... 5 years 10 years? FFS such a wait is much to long... To many see it as since building is standing it isn't coming down... Till it comes down it's just a joke after coming down ppl start backing down saying stupid crap like I didn't think that was possible... Maybe should have done better research b4 just thinking it couldn't come down...
  4. But still running with story that terrorist planted a bomb is a much easier story to fly then a fire bc no one would ever question that if our Government wanted to play out its fall and the after math would show just that 100% no lose ends trying to b covered. The buildings should not have fallen if the specs of the building were in order they had to believe the plane knocked off the fireproofing to make everything add out.
  5. Plane traveling at 600mph travels over 800 feet per second A good, not like crappy one in question, runs 10-15 frames per second. This one was more like less than 10per minute. Simple photography, to capture a bird still in flight takes about 1/2000 shutter speed...hummingbird (55 flaps per second) takes 1/4000. No way a slow speed camera would catch squat.

    Servers would be kept in well secured deep underground nuke proof. The Pentagon is laid out in rings, the more senior or important the function the further in and more secure. Outer rings are mostly support staff and no or low clearance peeps get to see the road and airport. No way anything critical would be stationed there.

    The hole was much bigger than a doorway, live local news feeds showed that.

    I saw the smoke from where I worked at the time and to deny planes hit twice in NY, once each in VA and PA is ludicrous.

    Crumple the foil hats tighter boys n girls.

  6. Didn't say where were they found I said where did they hit big difference
  7. ...wrap in Bacon 1st
  8. If we jailed everyone who would do a terrorist attack in this country in exchange for large sums of cash, there wouldn't be anyone left to flip your burgers and wash your car.

    When a man's kids are starving and in poverty, he will do anything for them.

    I'm not saying it's right - I'm just speaking from my experience with the Iraqis. Most of the insurgents I fought were regular guys who had regular jobs who lost their jobs because of the war. They didn't care about the politics. They just needed money to feed their families.

    What would you do if you were in that situation?
  9. I don't have kids or any kinda family that depends on me so I may b out of touch on that, but there is no money on earth to make me kill innocent people what makes my life so much more important then theirs?
  10. 2pac and biggy Small's are sexually involved and living in jamaica.
  11. Iraqis they live in another world, in USA u can steal plenty for survival if pushed to that point.
  12. You seem like a person of sound judgement and reason. There are plenty of people who aren't. I'm sure you can think of at least one person who you think would consider doing that for the right amount of cash.

    Does that make him a criminal who deserves to go to jail? What about all our politicians who accept bribes to do illegal things that get innocent people killed?
  13. thread can be locked, truth has been finally found!
  14. I remember that report. All that money they spent standing up the TSA and those stupid millimeter wave scanners couldn't stop a terrorist attack.

    You know the best way to stop terrorism? Don't create terrorists by invading foreign countries that haven't attacked you.

    Don't create even more by killing innocent women and kids with predator drone strikes.

    Keep our troops at home, where they belong - defending our borders.
  15. No one is denying a plane hit the towers just not the planes they said hit the towers

    Also not all computer servers would be deep underground even people who came out of that section said it housed computers and servers
  16. Do you have any sources for this bolt theory?

    All skyscrapers sway in the wind. The taller they are, the more they sway. AFAIK, this is normal and by design.
  17. Towers have counter balance mechanisms to offset n minimize sway to tolerable levels. Otherwise height is restricted if not engineered properly. Counter weight pendulums r installed on higher floors.
  18. I see this also as a fear tactic (as long as most of the population is aware of this) to make ppl feel of helping terrorist incase it is a set up lowing the amount of ppl who would take part. However I never heard of ot b4 ....I hope no one I know would go that far but u never truthly know a person..
  19. Ok..

    Well, if not a plane, then a missile?

    But wait, wouldn't a missile do a tremendous amount more of damage? Its what they are designed to do, right?

    Or is this where 'they' skimped out on the good missiles?

    Military grade termite, but a cheap missile...

    That makes even less sense.