9/11 - What Really Happened

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Imitation-Cheese, Sep 11, 2015.

  1. Tl:Dr . it happened . there's no proof that it couldn't of happened when people saw it happen ! Now stfu and get out
  2. IDK what happened on 9/11 but I know 9/12 America became a gulag.
  3. Truer words were never spoken.
  4. Interesting questions! Wouldn't it be great if we had more information?
  5. Can the flames from Twin Towers caused Tower 7 to collapse? Tonne of Jet Fulled spill over too? Or is there High explosive Materials (C4, Dynamites, etc) in Tower 7 that the fire in Tower 7 can melt the steel beams too? Just curious

    Also one of the World strongest Airforce unable to intercept those plane crashes for a considarable time? What happen to the Air Defence System?

    Nonetheless In Loving Memories, Rest In Peace to the victims of 9/11.
  6. Because we have Fighter Jets constantly patrolling our coasts. Funny, I used to work on a Marine air base and have trouble recollecting us doing coastal patrols 24/7. Then again I was only a crew chief. Guess we get none of the fun.
  7. Joe Biden : *Bends over and whispers into little girls left ear* "Jet fuel can't melt steel beams." *Stands up straight while creepily rubbing little girls shoulder in a sensual way*

    *Biden murmurs* "no serious relationships until you are 30, I hope to see you later this evening."

    True story. Joe Biden the sheepwhisperer.
  8. My feelings exactly.
  9. Really? :shock:
  10. It was Bernie, Yep Bernie Madeoff with money ️️
  11. Tower 7 was Supposedly the mass amount of Diesel fuel on the 50th floor with the same design that caused the weakness in the twin towers. As far as fighter jets u think as soon as they were hijacked they immediately thought they were gonna commit suicide and crash them into skyscrapers?
  12. Cheese , I can tell you over 2,500 innocent people died for sure . FACT!
    A little respect for there loved ones should be where your interest should be , not some science project about plans and there capability of melting beams .
    My prays go out to loved ones lost and all there family's and friends .
    Maybe the next thread about 9/11 can be about how jumping from a building building in pure shock and terror was also because the government told them too .

    Love and prays to victims and family's . Sorry about your losses no matter the cause
  13. The guy above me in right, let's not question ourselves, let's just accept everything as it is and not look past the obvious lies, it's what people like (insert fascist German dictator here [apparently against fourm rules to write his name])and (even worse) Bush would have wanted
  14. RIP to the innocents that died. Definitely didn't deserve to die over Insurance money.. Even more Muslims died though. Do abit of reading and you'll come to a conclusion that most already have.
  15. Mass amount of Diesel Fuel on 50th floor? You mean there is a storage location for high explosive material in a high rise building?
    Anyway take a look at the recent Tianjin Port Chemical Explosion aftermath. The Buildings are still standing even though it was badly burnt. The explosion in 9/11 is No way near size of the explosion that happened in Tianjin.

    The 1st crash, yeah Nobody would expected it. How abt the 2nd crash? Still No fighter Jets. Okay maybe due to the chaotic situation, 30mins is too short of a time. The 3rd crash - it is at THE Pentagon..where is the Fighter Jets? Seriously what happen to the Air Defence System.
  16. Honestly there's no doubt in my mind that one way or another 9/11 is a conspiracy. You're literally the dumbest most optimistic moron if you genuinely think there's nothing fishy about the whole thing.
  17. I am No Civil Engineer and if there is anyone among Kawmunity maybe you can correct my assumption.

    If the structural beam collapse on the top floor, couldn't the lower floors beams hold the weight of the top floors? Even if it is to collapse, there should be layers after layers of breaking impact as the lower structural beams are still sound. However if the impact was at the bottom or level by level structual demolition then without say the building will collapse within secs like how a control demolition would be. Tower 7 very suspicious.

    Also I heard that only thermite can cut thru steel beams. Other source of fire is not possible to disintigrate the steel beams.
  18. You guys should check out thermo metric bombs, they have an uncanny resemblance to the damage and fire at ground zero on 9/11 ,also there are scientific interviews with several respected professors on the veterans today website in which they stated that the facts and damage and the radius of destruction all point to a thermo metric explosion being the culprit for the collapse
  19. The design of the World Trade Centre towers was conceived in the 1960's by a number of prominent architects, and skyscrapers at that time such as the Empire State Building were supported by a dense grid of steel beams. However, this design limited floor space for officers and so the architects instead moved the steel beams to the exterior walls and central core of the structure, rather than evenly space them out. This meant that the towers could be built higher and had plenty of more office space. It was a very economical and efficient design, quite revolutionary for the time, and was able to withstand the impact of a plane such as the size of a Boeing 707. Unfortunately, the plane that hit was a Boeing 767, which is a larger design. Generally, the factors that caused the building to collapse are really not too mysterious or difficult to understand; the initial impact of the plane significantly damaged the external and core columns of the building, and severely dislodged fireproofing that protected trusses, which act as bridges between exterior and core columns. There were approximately 10,000 gallons of jet fuel present on the plane, and it is believed that the heat of this fuel being sparked would be approximately 800-1000 degrees Fahrenheit ( this is my personal estimation, it ranges significantly ) which would cause the bolts connecting the floor trusses to move away. Without the support of these trusses, the vertical supports soon buckled and collapsed, with the force of the collapsed floor causing others to fail in what the Op has rightly identified as 'pancaking.'

    This solution is perfectly logical and, for me, is the definitive report of what occurred to the building structure that day. Although there are a few specifics which remain vague, I believe that pinning this national tragedy as a 'Government attack on its own people' as frankly sick and absurd, and it also detracts from the full blame that terrorism deserves for this atrocity. Personally, I am open to conspiracy and do believe in some theories such as a modern day Illuminati affiliate existing ( follow me if you are interested in evidence ) but I believe that 9/11 is not one of them.
  20. Jet fuel burns at a maximum of 1472 degrees f

    To melt steel it has to reach temp of 2795 degrees f

    The 767 hf a light passenger list also the fuel tanks were about 50 % which would make the plane about the same weight as a 707 so your argument is invalid

    All I have to say is watch the video the first tower was hit on the 90th floor the second on the 80 floor then afterwards the building blew out on the 30-50 floor like you see in a demolition of a tall building which is done by using explosives

    As for building 7 it fell 8 or so hrs after the other two but everyone was evacuated by the time they fell

    I hate to say it but governments attack their own people all the time just look at history with Germany Russia China north and South Korea so who's to say the u.s government wouldn't attack its own people