@/8 ACES N EIGHTS @/8 estoc recruitment center.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Sighmin-Templar-the-Arbiter, Dec 14, 2012.

  1. Lynx, careful were you aim. Don't wanna spray yourself again ;)

  2. Expected to see at least a mediocre, but colorful and interesting thread.

  3. Sorry breakdown, I'm not OP.

    Next time we need one, I'll make it :lol:
  4. Lol. I actually thought AN8's clan thread was good, yet could have had used some pictures (aces, poker, I dunno? :lol: )

    I'm supposed to post my clan thread in around 16 hours ._. Not exactly ready :|
  5. You have a PC. You have an edit button. Quality cannot be rushed. Dont conform with deadlines you cant meet.
  6. I don't have the authority to make changes. I'm not OP.

    And breakdown, I have added pics and such.
    I believe I addressed all issues, besides the random colors, which I'm not changing.
  7. Lol. Random colors emphasized words I assume :)
  8. There are other people on this thread too :|
  9. Yes, but the statement seemed to be towards OP, which may not have a PC. and since it's just me and breakdown right now, I kinda put two-and-two together and got 4.

    Suprise, right?
  10. And yes. Breakdown, they emphases words that "lazy people" will need to read context clues to understand.

    Eliminating "lazy"ness :lol:
  11. OP may not have a PC himself (which I highly doubt), yet there are many other avenues of using one.

    Simply because i post then doesnt mean its directed at someone actively posting on this thread. Yes, it is a surprise. What makes you think i wasnt talking to breakdown? I might well have been.
  12. Ok :lol:
    Just saying. Seemed directed at me

    Key word: seemed

    So don't get your Spanish butt in a twist :lol:
  13. If that was directed at me… *sarcasm*

    Hello Señorita! My apologies for not having said "Hi" earlier! How are you? .
  14. My "spanish butt" is perfectly fine thank you. Its a good idea to maybe ask if it was directed at you, instead of jumping the gun and just typing straight off the bat. :|
  15. I'm sorry, was that directed at me? You didn't specify, so I'm unsure. 
  16. I thought your powers of deduction were superior enough to see that it was, LD.
  17. You made it clear I should always ask before assuming.
  18. So wby isn't there colors, pictures, and dancing llamas?