Re: 7th Anniversary Celebration! @ grant 1. As many have already said, the new upgrades were not necessary. We're bc accts consulted? I know I wasn't. 2. Have devs addressed the large imbalance between Hansel plunder and atk build plunder?
Re: 7th Anniversary Celebration! My question is why did it take so long for ata to step in.. could have been avoided much sooner, and don't think actions against players for your mistakes are right
Re: 7th Anniversary Celebration! I love you guys and I love kaw but I've gotta call this type of blatant misstatement out when I see it. "While issues with content deployment are rare they do happen"? Ha! Really? Come on guys. Almost every single release, every promo (even the cut and paste chapters), everything you guys turn out, appears horribly untested or proofread. You have descriptions messed up like the 7th anniversary fireworks with 6 anniversary note, you had the 10k reward tier listed as top 10k overall just a promo or two ago, you release ebs like the summoner back in the day that only one person in all of kaw had the equip to hit, etc etc. The list is endless. Every new thing you put out starts with forum posts saying "The rewards listed for [fill in the tier] are wrong" or "the inferno rewards list Aqua" or a dozen other similarly themed posts. For a business that has been operating as long as ATA, the quality of testing and the quality of polish that you turn out is the equivalent of a high school sophomore. The mistakes are obvious at a glance and no one catches them...over and over...every time. Rare? As rare as the sun coming up each day.
Re: 7th Anniversary Celebration! So apparently there was a glitch. People were exploiting quadrillion's from it. I didn't know, my bad grant. Thought you guys were just banning peeps who BC too fast.
Re: 7th Anniversary Celebration! But took many hours after ata was aware for them to take any actions. . All the players did is build the lands they were given
Re: 7th Anniversary Celebration! For those who don't recall, this actually happened a few years ago, but it was an infinite "sell back building" glitch for a new tier. Many made so many billions, until it was corrected shortly after. History repeated itself today for the 7th anniversary it seems. Las time they reversed the accounts and removed the bad gold. Looks like this time again. I'm just curious who will be perm banned, if any TBH.
Re: 7th Anniversary Celebration! they won't perm ban anyone. they have changed the rules several times over the past few years because they didn't want to enforce them against their big spenders. the ban right now isn't meant as a punishment, it is a stop gap while they try to fix the problem.
Re: 7th Anniversary Celebration! This happened same day as new lands released and quadrillions were out not billions lol... and support was notified many hours before it was stopped
Re: 7th Anniversary Celebration! Yea, ata needs to use the money they make and do their job before releasing things
Re: 7th Anniversary Celebration! Haha indeed! I was one of those to abuse that glitch and we all were deemed to be at fault. Only it wasn't exactly reversed Chaos. At that time I was told such option didn't exist. Responsibility for dev's mistake was put on us players and we ended up not just losing what we earned while making gold by abusing the glitch, but also lost what we earned while playing for years prior - had our build's torn down, lands, allies and bars taken away. What was left from my then bc account was few naked lands and a castle lol Back then we were told that such harsh actions had to be taken in order to balance game economy back. In their words: they 'had to take that extra gold out of the game'. How are you going to take out quadrillions that were made in last few hours? Don't forget the gold that was made off of those quadrillions by trading, volleying and such. You know the drill. But I'm sure this time will be different because it is lb, those that devs cater to, who by pricendent shall be deemed at fault..I hope devs learned from that mistake Nothing from devs surprises me anymore. Honestly, one of the reasons I still play this game is because it is highly amusing to watch stuff like this unfold lol
Re: 7th Anniversary Celebration! Lmao this, I'll admit I spent some, but I'm done not 1 penny more on this game. Nothing we suggest gets implemented, it's too much code bullcrap madafunkah that's your job. Killing this game softly
Re: 7th Anniversary Celebration! Bravo Ata, you killed the game on it's anniversary. Was this part of your masterplan?
Re: 7th Anniversary Celebration! Well having spent close to $400/500 this year, I can safely say this killed any drive for growth for me. I came back to KaW about 4/5 months ago after a 2 year hiatus. I was ~15mcs and enjoyed enough to spend a lot on the game because as I started growing I could see myself becoming abyss BC. Then OR came around, I wasn't too disheartened as I could buy a few Lands and the building prices for the first few levels were manageable. OR BC wouldve been shortly in my grasp, however this.... It's too much, so I'm going to turtle now and forgo growing completely: spending included
Re: 7th Anniversary Celebration! dear devs, you should make it feasable for the small players to reach the top stats within a reachable time. otherwise no one is willing to pay without having an aim... please think about other structures to make the game interesting for LB/BC players...include more clan loyality...reward those with % on their stats who r staying for a long time in a clan and so on...feel free to contact me for new ideas...or ask the community in an official post... top players already upgraded...and now?
Re: 7th Anniversary Celebration! On a more positive note: finally some players effectively got their 'change your build for free day' yesterday. Seriously though, was on the verge of making a purchase of nobs and xtals since quite a while. Not gonna happen now, useless.
Re: 7th Anniversary Celebration! No it doesn't. Sounds more like an attempt to justify your short term business plan. As a bc player who according to you is bored I can tell you that as for me (and I know it's the same for many others) the most boring part of it all is actually chasing bc. I don't enjoy smashing repeat button on eb..but let's be real - we don't really have a choice if we want to keep our build's effective. Chasing bc feels like nothing but a barrier we need to overcome to be able to play the game we used to love. Copy/paste events are pretty damn boring too. Same concept - another barrier, but we have to stay up to date with equipment etc. 'Have to' is the key. Now you got this template for land/building upgrades and gonna throw it at us every 6 moths or before Black Friday? So spenders bc'ed. Then what? Lands or more levels? It's really sad that this is the only way you can think of keeping us interested and motivated. There's been so many ideas posted..maybe the best way to celebrate would be to do what you used to do 5-6 years ago - listen to your consumers, work with us, discuss things in forums before building another barrier for us.
Re: 7th Anniversary Celebration! I bced like 1-2 months ago..since then been trying to reach top 50-100 ally lb Doing trains and making use of all events.. But this is just bs..Now will take me another 6 months to get bc if i choose to Spend anymore. All this while making the gap between top 50 lb & me crazy big Again.. Also having to go back to Complete fairy mode and keep knocking Out ebs should be fun.
Re: 7th Anniversary Celebration! Many people don't seem to be happy about this 7th anniversary celebration. Can I offer you a nice egg in this trying times?