Re: 7th Anniversary Celebration! It's an anniversary, but the only ones I see celebrating are the devs. Maybe it's time to put that brain to use and think
Re: 7th Anniversary Celebration! Seriously??? 7th Anni and cheap rewards? WE want 75% off upgrades for 2 days.
Re: 7th Anniversary Celebration! Anyone heard of the donkey and the carrot? Well guess what...kaw players are the former
Re: 7th Anniversary Celebration! Devs: U should help small players to grow even faster. This will keep a lot of players more motivated to spend more real money...make the LB/BC possible. Don't unmotivate us small players... Right now I have the feeling, that the small players get punished...and the gap between the small and big players will grow and grow... Please increase the rewards and plunder for EACH epic battle.... U should also think about some new structures about the game..."how to keep big players motivated" Make the game great again..
Re: 7th Anniversary Celebration! Why have new content when you can provide the same regurgitated stuff day after day? :grin: C'mon devs. When are you going to learn? There's more to KaW than having something to build. You keep talking about keeping BC players realise a good portion of them probably BC again within 5 minutes of this release? What about doing something that keeps the majority of the player base interested? Now, I know what you're going to say. 'We have weekly events for free items'. They might actually be interesting if they weren't the same thing you've been throwing at us for months. Does ATA seriously employ people to copy and paste things every few weeks? Give us something new. Or something different in events. It's not all about build build build. Is 1B CS not enough for you? At the very least think about minor game improvements to improve the game over all. It's like you guys panic and you think more lands/builds are the answer. Open your eyes. Increasing the end game doesn't necessarily extend the life of KaW. Improve the game and it will.
Re: 7th Anniversary Celebration! I applaud the new ATA management team, for absolutely ruining an iconic iPhone app. The level of greed has never been this real. In other news, happy late anniversary.
Re: 7th Anniversary Celebration! RIP kaw. Totally off the deep end now. What's next? New levels in a month once bc are "bored" again? This is the part where they milk us dry before they close up shop and skip town in the middle of the night. Don't fall for it. Just a retro tap tap game. This isn't real gold lmao. Don't pay for it fools. RIP kaw :'(
Re: 7th Anniversary Celebration! Would be nice to see what the new Osman Rai levels are, including cost and stats...
Re: 7th Anniversary Celebration! Yeah i am not dropping a penny on new levels. Sorry devs. This is ridicilous. You decided to release update which costs us 2 quadrillion in a half of a year after releasing new lands. You didnt even stick to your normal schedule. I am done upgrading here. This game is going to die very soon. Devs are squeezing all thats left out of it at this poinst as you guys can see. I have BCed. I have dropped good sum of money on it. And honestly i would drop alot more if you tried to keep this game afloat. But you gave up on it so will i. Deuces
Re: 7th Anniversary Celebration! I think the Kawmunnity is somewhere between the 1st and 3rd stages....
Re: 7th Anniversary Celebration! Allow me to translate. Bc still have lots of money to throw at us, but little inventive to do so. Although weekly zta and bi weekly events do squeeze a bit out of them, we feel that this will earn us the sufficient compensation we deserve for a obsolete, over the hill, repetitive, copy paste event, 7 year old game. To those who don't like this or refuse to spend to reach a ever growing bc ceiling, oh wait, we haven't bothered listening to you in a long time. Suck it