7 Bully/Farm Problems to never start playing this game

Discussion in 'Wars' started by sojuster, Sep 6, 2012.

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  1. Is wheelykings thread still alive?
  2. On September 6, 2012, Hurricane Sojuster made landfall on the nation of KaW. The Noobius River overflowed its banks and flooded the town of Crybabyville. The deathtoll was unimaginable, with most buried alive in their own laughter.

    A moment of silence please.
  3. I don't think so Senor, but you want SS's? I have them

  4. Da. Me gusta whining.
  5. This does deserve best of...
  6. Whoah. I just spoke RuSpanglish. Where's my award?
  7. 3 months? Get a life
  8. I feel on behalf of everyone who relises this is a war game, OP go grow a scrotum :)
  9. :lol: this may beat the wheelyking one. But I only vaguely remember his so hard to reference.
  10. Was wheelyking the one who posted about the illegal war?
  11. That's a hard call they both pertain about the same hurtness in the butt.
  12. I still say the "illegal war" makes me laugh harder and says noob a bit louder
  13. Wow that was tedious to read.
    Welcome to the war game.
    1. Writing on bullies walls makes them happy, the more you whine, the more then enjoy it.

    2. The personality varies from players just having fun farming to the uber weird target fixation odd balls.

    3.Why would another clan offer you shelter? "Leave your drama at the door" is pretty common on most clan pages. Your 14CS is prolly busy building T5's and taken care of their Kingdom.

    3. 4 against 1 sounds good! Use every spy you have assay him to dtw then take turns every 5Minutes and steal 24/7. Scout bomb Rival Attack after Asspy success 5X Attack. Post pin times on CA and have all ppl in fight to report in and out. Enjoy, it's war.

    4. You have an enemy, who will call a mod just to get you silenced. Shut up, ignore the rivals wall. Don't pass judgement on someone playing the game a different style within tou.

    5.Pin on epics, bank $ in attack Potts. Be boring and the Rival will prolly find a more willing victim.

    6.Don't ask the forum for sympathy, few care. Most forumers jump at the opportunity to remind you what a gutless piece of slag you are. This adds to their pleasure, increasing prestige, or at least the illusion of it.

    My 2 cents. It's a great opportunity for the four of you to work as a team to defeat the opposition, no more.
  14. One of you got farmed 60x two days ago. It doesn't really sound like this farmer is as relentless as you suggest or it would have been ALL of you getting farmed 60x two days ago, and yesterday, and today...

    See the trend? Op, it is time to put your big girl panties on and fight back. There are ways of taking down an HLBC player, especially if there are a few of you and only one of him. It's called coordinating your attacks. Also, your first mistake was spamming on the guys wall as you just added fuel to the fire, and gave him a quick link to continue the farming.

    Not sure why you created this thread, did you actually expect some sort of sympathy?
  15. So you got hit in a war game and then have major butthurt for getting in trouble for breaking the rules? Excuse me while I laugh


    That is all.
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