7 Bully/Farm Problems to never start playing this game

Discussion in 'Wars' started by sojuster, Sep 6, 2012.

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  1. Noob tears
  2. This is by far the best butthurt thread I've read this week, it should be stickied so we can revisit this moment forever!
  3. [​IMG]

    Sorry Op I cant resist and as you named my clan- I'll respond. 1. Verbally attacking someone on a wall is noobish. I'm assuming you bypassed in your wall warrioring. Being a small player vs big player breaking ToU- same outcome. So that point is invalid.
    2. Im also assuming that your wall warrioring started your troubles in the first place. You are also equipped with a block button. Use it on yourself maybe
    3. If you think you need help then look at the long term. Deal with the present situation: apologize or coordinate an attack. In the meantime, find a clan that will teach you to fight. I know several players your size ( assuming you arent an alt) that rock so I call that point invalid also.

    I guess thats my rant out. Btw- i didnt spend a dime on this game for several months and know lots of people who dont. Its definitely your choice.
  4. lol scouting doesn't burn pots noob lol
  5. Op...I feel for you

    It's not like this is a war game and the purpose of this game is to attack other players...that would just be ridiculous...
  6. Op you're redstars alt also right?
  7. Been playing for 3 months with battle stats of 14,925/395 and expects to be fair game with HLBC players that have been around for years.

  8. Wow op u really make us want to help you, i mean u ran to a clan to protect you guys, you stupidly got silenced, all in a war game cause u were getting hit :p
  9. and i must say i love theeffert you put in to your buthurt rant xD
  10. Isaac. Not all HLBC players have been around for years
  11. Took me 1.5 years to get there....

    Not ballin 
  12. I see a big long post of buthurt. You could've spared yourself se time with one paragraph saying" I don't like that this is a war game, even though it's called kingdoms at war. Farming is bad and farmers are bullies. I'm a Butt hurt eb noob, Good day."
  13. Taken me two years to get here. You're doing great

    (8 months of on and off inactivity)
  14. Small suggestion op

    Throw your phone or pc or android device in a lake. That will stop all the farming.
  15. Have you tried finding a resolution with the "farmer?" MOST (but certainly not all) "farmers" will offer terms for surrender. I have a sneaking suspicion that you brought this on yourself, however. Especially given that you admit to getting yourself silenced by violating the TOU on the "farmers" wall...
  16. :lol:
  17. Tell your Facebook friends? You have friends? Can we tell them you're epically butthurt?

    BEST OF. But rename it to something humiliating.
  18. I agree with Darth. This is the best whining I've ever read on forum.

    A well-thought out post. The whiny author is to be commended on his whinemanship.
  19. If anybody remembers WheelyKing's thread, which would you declare to be more noobish?
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