6th Anniversary Weekend Bash!

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Sep 11, 2015.

  1. Yay prizes lol
  2. Please don't listen to this request. I beg of y'all.
  3. Yea my 6 year badge is coming ... Whooohooo
  4. Thank you for the crystal, it's a nice touch. Now that dollar that thousands of people have saved will put it towards the *discount* seals.

    A couple of questions to your creative team.. I see the incentive for people to buy *discount* items that gives gold more for their payment, this is clever no doubt, but why only non-free ebs? This creates more of a gap between players that pay and those who dont, along with a wedge driving between the low to non spending community and the developers. It's not raising a lot of morale from what I've seen on previous posts and world chat.

    Next question: why is creative running dry? The team seems to work on all kinds of promos and interesting things,but they come back to (collect this, collect that.) I understand in a tap tap game, anything more than this is hard to implement out of the blue. My opinion, give the community a vote next time instead of favoring the 20%. There's a huge possibility low spenders would open their wallet if there was more than pay to play promotions.

    Building refunds increased for a time.
    Building tokens being earned again.
    Mith sales (people spend gold on mith, have to eb more, might buy a seal to earn gold to buy that mith then equip.)
    Being able to earn crux chests through activity on a weekend.
    Whatever happened to global achievements like the vigor wisps collection?

    You guys have made so much progress since I first started playing in wars, pvp events, and promos in general. But the thing that has stagnated this game was the permanent inauguration of hte and rotwb. They were amazing when 1st released, but now it's created a lot of hate for the majority of players.

    Note: I am in an hte right now due to a free seal, hypocrit or not, my beliefs stand firm. That is all, thank you. END RANT
  5. Happy Anniversary KaW 

    Still tapping away for nearly 5 years now, so must be enjoying it......... I think 
  6. Yay more fireworks to lose as soon as I get them
  7. Congrats to all the kaw team for a long time game...happy 6th anniversary to all players and kaw team that makes this possible everyday
  8. 6 years ️
  9. No anniversary plunder bonus spell or double regn like last time.sighhh
  10. Woo awsome thank you devs
  11. Last year we got 50% faster regen and twice time to beat battles. Now that was sweet.
  12. How is the horn crap? With chests enabled and the 50% promo I can make 400B an rotwb all to myself. Seems pretty awesome to me
  13. Really u can. 400b? Let me see
  14. So devs where were you when s5 was on and 80% of the at topics were about s5 issues, problems and suggestions?
  15. Yay :D happy anniversary
  16. I belive alot the crybabies and complainers here should realize and remember the awesome sales and promos were NOT for anniversary. They were black friday. So enjoy the promo hte. I got a few gold crux left gonna build some spies some time coming up. Thank you kaw (for once). Everyone else u got 2 1/2 months til Black Friday

    Only request devs maybe make this weekends clan wars all indy so the 60% crux are a fair shot. Not just for the 2 war clans
  17. It is a full dollar off.

    So just under a 17% discount which isn't bad.
  18. Thanks to dumb as hell idiots like you that we are in a situation today. It is people with way too much money to spend on a tap tap game that this game today has a stats difference of 10x-20x between the player base.

    That gold chest you are gloating about is going to make you burn 12$s in xtals. And here you are thinking that it is a generous effort and a gift by the devs. If I could get rid of something in this game to make it better, I would start with idiots like you that are spread around like a wild fire in this game. This damn HTE brought this game to it's knees. Everything was damn awesome before the advent of HTE. Everything since then has been nothing but downhill. Even OSWs don't make a friggin' impact. Strip someone and that ass is back to max plunder with 1 HTE. Earlier it used to take days to get back to max plunder. That used to hurt like hell.

    That 1 xtal they gave u and a HTE bonus makes u guys go gaga over bull crap. Pure players know how that is hurting this game.
  19. If it wasn't for hte the game would be dead with no income there would be no game so stop crying about hte