6th Anniversary Weekend Bash!

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Sep 11, 2015.

  1. if its so short it doesnt matter
  2. Happy birthday Kaw
  3. Happy bday kaw
  4. Why isn't there any wc trivia this time?? D:
  5. Man if they left the plunder at 3x haunt like hte was originally advertised, and is 3x for weekend, im sure more people would countinue to buy seals more often!
  6. Get out
  7. Damn! Promo ends BEFORE my payday! Extend this 1 more day
  8. Happy bday kaw
  9. Thanks devs, Happy Birthday!
    Seal sales hardly a deal, I'll wait for black friday to do my seal stock up assuming the deal will be the same as last year.

  10. Promo requires most people to have a seal. Money.
    War is pointless unless you have xstals or you piss everyone off. Money.
  11. Come on devs, we all appreciate the anniversary bash. Here's a thought, how about rewarding each player on their yearly anniversary, say, 10free xtals and a seal? :)
  12. war n try winning 60% bonus...enuf said
  13. Typical give the few who war a special crux and forget about the majority
  14. Easy solution bruv, how about you take you and your 100+mcs build and cast for an indi or something.
  15. wild idea: dont be a nub. Even with that huge build
  16. Oh look, a self-righteous eb fairy who thinks that people who repeatedly tap 'repeat action' should deserve more than the people who work towards these rewards.

    P.S. A build your size aimed towards being successful EE would have a big enough plunder cut from towers that they would be barely making more than you if not less with the bonus from the crux.
  17. If have seen some of the match ups you will know why people don't war
  18. Yet there are still people warring, weird huh.
  19. Or, indis are a thing
  20. Devs are getting greedy . Perhaps should give us all 5 seal and 5 xtals