60%-70% SH clan required just for matchup

Discussion in 'Wars' started by O_o_____Frog____o_0, Apr 16, 2014.

  1. totally support, this is reason why I stop do wars
  2. The Habs haven't won crap yet. Although I was shocked they got past the bruins. I think the Blackhawks will win this year, though.
  3. Probbly best to not ***** about sh till you stop trying to use them smh
  4. Like I said they should do a no match hunt. At least collecting no matches will mean something. Wars are so bad now. Most sh are noobs and there are not even experienced sh to go around. The big clans have the good sh or their alts and the sh just follow the LB's. So wars have turned into the ocean. Big Sharks (LB) have all the sucker fish (sh) following them and feeding off the scraps and finishing them off. Anyone else who are not sh or LB just become victims.
  5. Support. Wars are busted.
  6. Support. Devs are a ******* joke
  7. i have been boycotting since season 2. Refuse to drop build to sh nor do i wish to convert to atk/hybrid tank lb big to war either. im stuck in middle oh well so i cant ee anymore thank admin :(
  8. Wow! This threads been along longer than I thought. Kinda like the Montreal Canadiens 
  9. Simple fix would be to put in leagues. Anything up to 4m cs face each other, 4m -8m face each other. Etc gives more people chance to war and more even ish.... But meh
  10. Yes tiers. But the tiers need to have rewards based on tier your warring. In other words if 3 lb 8 sh war that would be lower tier = small rewards because of small cs. 1lb 3 bigs 3 mids 4 sh medium tier = medium rewards. 1lb 6 bigs 4 mids = highest tier and highest rewards. If this was done all manipulating clans would get crappy noob equip. The real warriors would get medium to highest equip.so funny to lb doesn't even need to war with sh they choose to. The biggest guys in the game hiding behind the kids (sh) in the game. Should be ashamed of yourselves. Ever heard ya never been in a real fight til ya lose. Anyone can hit a punching bag. Try making your roster lb sh for a war you actually need skill to win. Cowards
  11. It is quite simple really sh should only be able to make so much plunder. I find it disgusting how a sh can hit me and take 100+MIL and I make 13-20mil max. Just get it sorted out make war pay out fair or cap off wars. Try a new system where there is a cap on wars totally and you have to fight to get the plunder. Just a quick idea. 20bil and you fight for it the team with the most wins. Time for something new, also why not just cut sh pay out to an eb pay out?
  12. Make a race to 10b plunder war, reduce SH possible ally bonus by 100% and boom, problem solved