60%-70% SH clan required just for matchup

Discussion in 'Wars' started by O_o_____Frog____o_0, Apr 16, 2014.

  1. When are they going to nerf sh. 
  2. Actually, when I was doing wars at CRD, I did only all big builds (high hit ratio) which means, not once in season 3 did I get a no match.
    (No match once for signing up with 10 seconds left and being odd man out)

    You either need mostly sh, or all big builds. This is because of how all the war clans set up their rosters..

    But ya, want a match? Go all big builds lol. Otherwise stalk the other war clans and see how many sh they doing so you can stay in their hit ratio
  3. Lol we tried only 5 sh, nmf, then only 6 sh, nmf, so went to 7 sh. Bam got a match. Vs 11 sh. It was awesome our 3 bigs could only reach one target. Hit ratios in 11v11 are awesome!
  4. Half the war clans now that won't stop stacking rosters because they may lose a precious EE level or a tiny bit of mith will be the same ones crying during the next season because they got a bad match against someone who stacked a roster a tiny bit better than them and cost then some rancor.

    Coulda made some more effort before season and lost a few wars and got mismatches to try and change system  exactly what I'll say to people crying during next season.
  5. They don't handpick silly boys. It's the system. M
  6. *grabs chair*
    *waits for the masses of butt-hurt SH noobs to come along*
  7. Try this basketball analogy, comparing EE teams with basketball teams. The very best teams are comprised of big, powerful centers (LB tanks) and small, quick guards (SH). Basically all these threads are saying is that my team comprised of all forwards (Mids) is not able to play in this league because nobody else fields squads of all forwards. This is not the commissioner's (Dev's) fault.

    Teams (Clans) comprised of all forwards cannot score in the paint against the big, powerful centers and are helpless on the perimeter against the small, quick guards, so they lose. You cannot win games by only shooting mid-range jump shots. The Pro teams know this. So rather than complaining about the Pro Game the solution here is to find other squads of like-sized folks to increase the competition pool. If more teams participated there would be plenty of potential non-Pro matchups. In other words, Rising Hawks isn't doing something wrong, everybody else just isn't doing enough.

    The Developers are working on providing more incentives to war and I think this is the right path to follow. They tried nerfing GH and spawned SH. Were they to nerf SH the top Clans would only find another replacement, it would be a never-ending series of patches. My recommendation is to quit whining about this war system and start cheerleading for it. If teams only read that they can't win and have no chance without a built roster they will never participate. The Community has shot itself in the foot here.

    Come to terms with the fact that the Pro teams are always going to be tough because they put in the time and effort. The fill their roster with the right builds with the right BFA and BFE to obtain the desired hit ratio, have an experienced WC and tracker with a variety of war strats at their disposal. If you cannot do the same you have no right to complain. Invest your energies recruiting for wars and helping folks make rosters and before you know it there will be more matches. Just my two cents for what it's worth.
  8. They need to eliminate dtw/dts. It's a war. Anyone should be able to hit anyone. Then make all builds pay on a formula of lands and size. Make a sh pay and end them for good!!!!
  9. Sad state of affairs frog .... Indeed .. But asking/assuming/demanding that kaw developers do any real work is laughable at best all we get is lame shiny new bells and whistles (feather hunts) no real in depth thought or implementation of the thousands of ideas tweaks,fixes ever get rolled out ... No hope no confidence in Ata at all ... Where's the pvp updates where are any real game improvements at all ? Nada
  10. Hi Rude. ️ first off - you've been "hibernating" for like a year now.  second - those that can hit small builds can't plunder them with only 1-3mil a hit unless KOing them. Removing DTS/DTW would only help keep them pinned more...
  11. Haha I laughed so hard at the ending, because it's true!! And yea they do need to change something, put a stat requirement just to be able to use the woc spell or something like that
  12. I believe it will soon change due to people gaming th system even more with 100% SH rosters as they are nearly impossible to beat if they are a good team. This means that soon clans will either start warring all SH rosters or change to using more bigs to avoid matching all SH clans so soon the balance will be restored!
  13. Support



  14. Lol since when does devs do anything other than compound the problem? They don't give a **** bout the legitimate gamers, just the ones that can manipulate the system with underhand tactics..kaw while soon be like MySpace still be around but no worth while people there
  15. ^^^ not true, they dont care about the war/pvp part at all.
    They just launch events that make people buy seals, and they they still get their money without giving 2 fucks about loyal pvp-customers..
    U see the official no match thread? It was created because of this very issue, but there's not a word from the devs on it, and nothing new about fixing this issue for s4..
    Sad, sad, so very sad.
    Kudos to op though, for trying to point it out for the devs, but I doubt anything will happen. Even though it could be fixed easily by putting a limit on max number of shs allowed on a roster or something.. smh
  16. Go Flyers!!! Nice hat op!
  17. I think IMF clan just got a match with just 1 sh. Devs hate you lol

    Support to b2bwar btw
  18. Support! Bring down Sh
  19. Well maybe you should run no sh and get a match at the big leagues (lb clans( strength wise)) you know like -s26tr- new world pirates (any zaft war clan) KREUZRITTER ( any of the 3 kre clans)

    If you so much hate sh why use them?? Just run all bigs simple
  20. Never said I hated sh. Just a little ridiculous having wars where they outnumber regular builds 2:1