5th Anniversary Trivia

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Sep 10, 2014.

  1.  #TooGood4U
  2. Discover 4 Highlands
  3. to unlock: 100 allies
  4. More please kc, I love forum trivia even though I'm not very good lol
  5. OK SRSLY LAST QUESTION: What is the total Gold cost of uncovering the lowlands, exluding the tutorial?
  6. U should give me half the rewards 
  7. 2,012,000,000
  8. lol
  9. 11,803,737,000
  10. 11,552,000,000  idk lol
  11. 11803777000
  12. 11803737000
  13. I said last question... *throws shark at you*
  14. I'm pretty sure bugs bunny won that one
  15. 11,803,707,000