5th Anniversary Trivia

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Sep 10, 2014.

  1. psion aqua inferno steel
  2. That's bc he knew how to spell it correctly isn't it?
  3. Maybe I should drop my bbcode :lol:
  4. You've won twice. No win for you!

  5. May make things quicker :p
  6. Kc I won war  110 mith thanks for 3x
  7. QUESTION OKAY! At what percentage does the Nerissius the Wanderer item bar become vulnerable to assassinations in The Forgotten Ones?
  8. That was fast. Winner!
  9. Damn you guys are fast
  10. Dammit  can't fool kaw com
  11. Please stop the gifs. Kills forum lol. Took me a minute to load a page, and we already went through 2 questions lol
  12. Luckily I didn't have to submit my message twice like usual :lol: