5th Anniversary Trivia

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Sep 10, 2014.

  1. Since wars are going to be starting now we'll do one more question for now. Though we'll be back with more afterwards :)
  2. Community wars just ended you Mong 
  3. Wars just finished o_O
  4. Whoops, curse my brain. Let's just keep on going then!
  5. Nice gif edit lol
  6. Question: Name four different materials that can be used to upgrade equipment.
  7. Aqua inferno mith and psion
  8. Inferno aqua scrolls and psion
  9. Aqua
  10. Bronze bars, aqua, inferno , psion
  11. Aqua inferno scion mythril
  12. Inferno psion bronze bar aqua
  13. Mithril
  14. aqua inferno mith bloodwood
  15. Dam my inability to spell correctly
  16. Ding ding ding! In addition to the normal rewards you'll also get 100 Psion!
  17. Aqua, inferno, scrolls, and bronze bars
  18. Awesome I finally won lol