5th Anniversary Trivia

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Sep 10, 2014.

  1. When sharks fly... XD
  2. #sharknado 2 ftw! I hope they make 3! 
  3. Breaks are overated
  4. Sharknado3:the third one

  5. Plllllleeeeeeaaaasssseee you'll be my
    Best friend "shrek reference"
  6. It should be in Texas. Hence, everything's bigger in Texas. Bigger sharknado. More sharks. Get it? Haha.
  7. Sharknado is the best movie ever.
  8. Apenado... Kaw_community takes flight
  9. Question: What was the name for A Thinking Ape when we first launched Kingdoms at War?
  10. A Thinking Ape
  11. The DEVS who don't care about their players
  12. What mango said
  13. A Thinking Shark?
  14. Alright, mango, you got this one
  15. Athinkinggrape
  16. a thinking monkey
  17. Just plain ATA? lol