5th Anniversary Celebration

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Sep 10, 2014.

  1. Most likely
  2. Yay! 5 years :D Congrats KaW! Cannot wait for the other prizes to be announced :eek:
    Happy Anniversary to my third account! ;)
  3. Now I wish I didn't reset :'( I would have a two year
  4. Next...the 7 year itch?! 
  5. Ru gonna add if ur a vet and paid for hl buildings at full price ur get a refund since those were discounted?
  6. Hey kaw com...

    Ummmmm.. Does this achievement for time served only show up once someone has logged in?

    e.g I haven't played today, will my achievement show up, or show up once I sign in?

  7. Now along with this birthday did you finally make PC friends alphabetical ooor did I just get lucky ooooooor did I miss a small update somewhere?
  8. I would love to celebrate with bananas in my name; not like I can actually talk in WC since I got silenced for posting a dripping eggplant.
  9. If I am correct, you had to meet a certain pre-requisite in the HL to receive the refund. But by now, you should've made all that gold back! I know I have :)
  10. Nice! I feel so weird :lol: coming up on my 4th KaW year with my 1 year badge :cry: :lol:
  11. Didn't get my fireworks and I don't know about my crystals
  12. When will you WC trivia be on?
  13. Okay so by my calculations, people that don't have their badges are inactive right now? Is that what this means?
  14. I've been on kaw longer then 3 years but what ever thanks either way
  15. Boooo I've been KaWing for 3 years. But other accounts.
  16. Hope the bugs get fixed...this could be cool