
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by saltyfeet, Aug 11, 2015.

  1. no amount of gifs may make this beautiful milestone irrelevant. #teamsalty
  2. grats on 5k!
  3. Gratz n 5k Sulty. I nuw u dezerv et wit al ur wit
  4. As we say in Europe at the sight of someone acting full retard " give this numpty a dime bar and a ticket on the special express "
  5. Awww, bless. It's trying to communicate.
  6. Google translate couldn't figure this one out, so I had to get a native speaker of this language to translate.

    After reading it, #support
  8. Google translate only brings up a redneck translation, after much lag.
  9. 5k irrelevant posts should be the title U Noob. How about u just go away now
  10. Unfortunately he will never go. He's an attention seeker and there will always be someone who replies to him.
    We all know he is an idiot and he intentionally mistypes all his words just to troll. But what can you expect from a kid fed paint chips all his life.
  11. So much work trying to seem stupid.
  12. XD
  13. Nanoc is so jealous of me its ridiculus! Lol
  14. Mad cuz eberitime he shows up in wc he gets a gud as kiking!
  15. Congrats Salty!
  16. never seen u here before :lol: slumming?
  17. salty a crap salesman with a mouth full of samples
  18. I only unloaded on u like 30-40 times dude. Y u holdin a grudge? Let it go.