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Discussion in 'Activities' started by A_bus_full_of_nuns, Jun 24, 2014.
Even very ecstatic racers yawns Earns
Ergonomic archers reject no scopes. MCING
MCING Making Cakes, Instantly Not Good Goody ... r1_500.gif
Goody Girls often obey dafted yankees POWAT
POWAT People often wait at terimals WDGAF
WDGAF Why Don't Go After Freedom SILVA
SILVA Straight interrogators love vigorous activities. PEETA
People Eating Eggs Train Arms Pinch
PINCH Prostitution is not classy, Harold. SANTA
SANTA Seriously, Anthony never trusts anyone. PLAYA
Plenty Losers All Yahooing Around Yahoo
Yahoo- You're a hostess of oscar DNTAD
Donate not take away donations CSAFT
Csaft Cars saved a few trains. JADEN
JADEN Just a dark endless night MONEY
Monkeys Only Nod Ears, Yappers! Yolks
Yolks You're only like kinda salty ASPCA
A silly person can't attack Negro
Negro Never ever give random opinions SMACK