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Discussion in 'Activities' started by A_bus_full_of_nuns, Jun 24, 2014.
The mithril really is lame. QQQQQ
Questioning queries questions quintessential Qatar. DARNG
Darng Dont attack redstar noob guy
For next one ------ Gsatr
God satan and tiny rice Jafmu
Join A Freaking Mafia Umbrella KYDRS
Know Young Daughter's Real Son GHORE
Giant hungry ogre roasting everyone WPTYN
Wait painter tease you, Noob. JEBNA
Just eat buttered newspaper alligators HULID
Hope u like Indian Dinner Wircs
What is really coming son Plogo
Please let Oliver get old. FANCY
Funny armadillo never carry yoyos Bones
Bulbous ogres never eat sausages SALSA
Saucy Animals look super awesome Merry
Marrying elephants robustly reduces yawns. SPORE
Stupid People Only Ruin Everything Conan
Correct only nuisances and neighbors. HOURS
Hotdogs on uranium, revolutionary cyanide. XQTUY