40-60 players for war Discussion

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ShelbyS, Jan 29, 2013.

  1. What troll said...grade system sounds like a good idea
  2. I have sent multiple feedback requests asking for some way that Allied clans could be officially associated and therefore not war each other! (no response to my feedback so far...) Even more so I would love for the sub-clans that are trying to get people to grow, not war their trainers, would be able to be officially connected and not get matched up. ;)
  3. I also like the idea of a grade system, little puddly groups could band together for lower-member-number wars whilst the big bad boys go rumble it up with 60 players each! :D
  4. I have already asked devs to look into this in an update forum they said they will implement it, if they can come up with an elegant solution to resolve some issues linking it.
    Hopefully they are still considering and we can be rid of the veil.
    Glad you re-opened this topic I did a forum on war clans and how to link a while back.
    Simplest solution is a join and a nominate war and home clan button where there is now a join button. Then resolve the ee linking programming where I fear the devs have issues to resolve. Any programmers wish to tell devs how to do that please do.
  5. Good thought - while it is Kingdoms at WAR - warring your allied clans is well...less than desireable. I'd LOVE it if the devs would consider main and subclans so that members could move throughout clans w/o losing EE. War clan, Subclan, Main Clan - cool ;)
  6. The restriction on members warring has now been changed to 30member minimum, this should allow more clans to sign up and therefore create better quality match ups.
  7. I agree with Mr Mosley & troll on this issue .Tough for a clan of a 100 warriors that want too war but can't due too the restrictions set of roster 40-60 members .Keep it simple 30 members all the way too 100 . More clans more match ups , Keeps from warring same clan also .Ty Adam for bringing this up .Worm for Mod lol jk :)
  8. In my opinion match up is a lottery... Sometimes u win, sometime u loose... Never seen wining side complaining even when they were smaller in cs or less people in a clan... But if those restrictrictions will help with that horrible lag, I'm down with it:)
  9. Are you referring to all wars? or is this the thursday, friday wars for this week? Last I saw about 3 hours ago - they were enforcing 40-60 members required for thurs/fri ewars this week.
  10. ***30-60 members needed for all wars this week*** SUPPORT TO DEVS! great job ;) Now we can talk about that pay increase - I'll be buying more xstals ;) he he
  11. 30-60 should not be enforced for all wars due to the number of clans with more than 60members who wish to war. Perhaps the option in the future of 30-50 and 50 would solve that issue.
  12. Hello everyone!

    40-60 is hard for our clan to achieve on thursdays, thus its hard to meet kaw ewars prerequiste to enter war... If we continue to allow newcomers to war we will only make more problems.. Having babbled a bit there, I hope kaw drops any member limit/minimum requirements soon. Even if that means they have to do more work to get even match-ups.. who knows :roll:
  13. Thx for support zar - they dropped it to 30-60 this week - devs are working hard trying to to their best by us. I'm sure it isn't an easy job (Devs) - just know we DO appreciate your hard work whether we disagree w your methods or not!
  14. A couple ideas...
    1) have different clan size wars for each time slot. I.e. 20-35, 36-50, 51-75, 70+. Your clan size at the time of roster lock puts you in a division.
    2) these divisions would earn you different prestige amounts. More members, more prestige.
    3) you can also choose to move up a division if you so choose. You can move up one level but you can't move down.
    4) higher mith payout for higher divisions.
    6) Allow players to keep level 1 EE regardless of where they go. This will allow clans to recruit players and those players able to leave and go home/elsewhere. Still lose levels 2-5 for leaving when not between main, sub and war clan.
    Those are my thoughts.
  15. Good thoughts!! Mau for MOD - j/k ;) but seriously - the Link between main/sub/war clan would REALLY help the time and effort put into war prep by admin/owner decrease and quality of participation increase ;) I'm a crazy kaw player that puts in about 20 hours a week wall/pm players to make sure we're ready for war. All of that could be eliminated w a free moving to war and main clan ;)
  16. It works from what I've seen and played ( depends on clan mostly )
  17. Why just kidding on me for mod? I think I'd make a great mod. Seriously.
  18. I KNOW you'd make a great mod - just kidding cause mods are getting a bum rap atm...several leaving and others not liking the current "Eagle". Being a MOD is tough work - but I know you'd be cut out for it :) You'd make a great mod - MAU for MOD!! :cool:
  19. Thanks adam. I think I'm gonna apply. Support?
  20. This idea of 40-60 is very good and should be in all estock.
    - coz from big clans have to leave some ppl to do wars in other clans ... so more clans could join estock and better matchups are given.... ;)

    I still think that for bigger wars should be activated system wars (remove old war system and put new system on hold). So difference:

    ESTOCK WARS - only 4 h, 40-60 members only, random enemy, e-bonus rewards, mithrils, specific start times/number of war/week

    SYSTEM WARS - select duration (4-8-12-24-48 h), selected enemy, members (30-100, 30 members always minimum), mithril (less payout then Estock), selected war start;
    -->TO AVOID pwars/mwars is best set big mithril rewards dependence on enemy spells activated and attack pots during wars = if they dont do it then should be very low mihtril rewards....

    Then will be all happy.... :p :p :p want you e-bonus and random enemy? do estock war
    want choose enemy, duration etc? do system war....

    Onldy idea that could be discuss is change to 30-60 (till no system wars released) or 30-50 (if release of system wars).
    But idk ....