4/20: A Reflection

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *Dark-Teja (01), Apr 21, 2013.

  1. I just love how pot is so bad to people. Today's society thinks all those legal "prescription drugs" are ok as your doctor says its OK.
  2. If you don't abuse them and use them how prescribed those drugs can benefit you
  3. So can pot not saying all benefit from it but can't say I've ever seen someone up and kill his family from pot. But prescription pills have.
  4. Especially the prescriptions drugs that affect your brain or hormones.
  5. Yes they can have side effects... That's why we have better testing standards today we moved from watching rats kill each other to monkeys :)
  6. If alcohol was illegal and pot was legal the world would be a safer place
  7. Everyone would be friends 
  8. No if people weren't stupid and did not drink and drive...
  9. What about alcohol-fueled violence 
  10. What about people getting high then jumping off cliffs and landing on other people...

    It could happen
  11. ;) exactly.

    Alcohol = bad
    Bad should be ban
    No good alcohol
    Good for nothing
  12. Alcohol and cannabis should be banned
  13. Sweet Mary Jane. How I miss those days of wake and bake and the munchies that soon followed. Oh what memories 
  14. People jump off cliffs when high?
  15. Ya they think they can fly :p
  16. Wonder what they think when they hit the ground
  17.  Your perception of the effects of weed are cute.
  18. It's true its happened before people get high enough and jump off buildings