:lol: You know - a space in the middle of a phrase shouldn't matter. tell people who are Therapists that. (think about it)
Question, looking at the times for war, will you be separating us by time zone and location ? That would help make for a different, interesting 3rd ASW
Random thought, but it seems odd that selection for an "all-star war" is handed out on a first-come first-served basis. You think they'd at least take into account things like join date and battle stats.
If you were in top 10000 during sign up and got bumped out of it a day before actual ASW will you still be able to participate?
you say it has to be exact, #asw2012 isn't exactly "#ASW2012". So "#ASW 2012" should be allowed! It's not exactly it but neither is the lower case. PLEASE ACCEPT MY SIGN UP