Forums state sign up time as 7 pm GMT which was 37 minutes ago . This is what devs posted 7 pm GMT !!!
lol...people signing on KAW wall already, why are people soooo stupid? Hope they're all blanked from sign-ups, idiots.
Devs didn't post 7pm GMT, Wulf did, if you read the original kaw_admin post you would have gotten the time right.
New Achievement Idea: Everyone who signed up early gets a "Too Dumb To Read Badge" A black mark on their profile recognizing them forever as the noobs they are
I hope KAW prioritizes those who signed up on time over those who blew their load and posted too early.
I certaintely hope not we were given misleading information by a moderator. We listened and made a mistake.
Roland don't be such a mean ass... Wulf said 7:00 pm gmt .... That's what I used ... That's why I was to early