3rd Annual All Star War Annoucement

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by admin, Sep 11, 2012.

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  1. @Charbel. There is no question of fair or not. You are either ranked or unranked. No one can tell you but yourself. Go to Leaders from homepage. It's the number at the bottom.
  2. And if it says "unranked" then you are waaaaay down the list
  3. Why does it say 7PM GMT?

    It's 6:13 now and it doesn't start for nearly two hours? 
  4. I I'll like to join please
  5. @Charbel
    If it doesn't give your rank on the Overall lb then you can't join the ASW. I'm ranked just over 5,000.
    Battle wins help a lot for Overall lb or a massive BFA if you have a nob account.

    You just know the Devs are going to get a load of sign-ups from people who aren't even ranked...lol
  6. Nice when do sign up details come out
  7. Wait ...wait ... Wait
    I hate
  8. Omg quit bumping this thread with dumb questions wait for a freakin announcement! Every time i see it bumped i keep rereading it for nothing!
  9. Sign up start in aprox 1 hr , right ?
  10. Sign up in 2 minutes and still don't know what to do lol
  11. Can i join 3rd annual all star war please? Joris
  12. Sign up on 53M
  13. Now it s Time ! Count me in pls 
  14. Sign up is in ONE HOUR!
  15. When is sign up info going to post 
  16. Every year this happens
    It's hilarious. It's okay. It's all part if the learning process.
  17. Sigh up times. Say 3 am SGT but 7 pm Gmt - there is an hour discrepancy there? 7 Gmt is 2 am sgt ?
  18. I want to sign up^^ raaaa
  19. Moose needs international clock on his phone. Sign up in 51 mins
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