Still not impressed by your plunder... My alt makes 5-7b in 2-3 hr haunts, every time assuming I'm active. He has 5 coes and 34 guilds. And I don't even skim, I usually unload halfway every half hour.
Mage- So what. It's proven skimming at top of bar gives more plunder than unloading. I don't care how much you make.
I make allot more than that, Hence the 30b PLUS. On a **** day I make 30b, and people always ask how my guild hansels always have so much in allies.
I do this with my hansel build when ever I have time, this was also the old tactic when attack and stealing off clan farms, 2-3 hits/steal regen than repeat old methods but great to see a topic about it to help teach the newbies/oldies who don't know