Oh my... Your complaining about a free service? Why don't you go and see if the homeless people who get free donations are complaining. Hand of god is correct on page one, your a noob.
Your complaining about this, If you was a programmer you would understand loops in code strings can cause connections to discard, Im a web designer and a C#, C programmer. You don't know how great this program is.
C# is a very interesting language I must say.. Very easy to use in VS. Though I don't think this is due to code, I think the traffic through the servers has been immense due to the xtals people are popping for the 3x ebs. Lots and lots of traffic acts like a DDOS attack.
The servers are fine, They need to be the best specs for a game like this, The project obviously isn't stable to hold loads of players.
It ruined my Mains war preparation (still won) though I think its not reasonable to give xtals Mith or anything else for this since it wasn't that long, and didn't fail any (important) ebs or wars.
Free game and you demand xtals . It's good enough that ATA give us that occasion xtal, but demanding? No.
Your argument is that you were in war, yes? But the everyone on the game crashed so what's the big deal?
Get over the stupid crash if u didnt fail the eb or was doing the war fine then u shouldnt be talking kaw servers arent perfect
Think of the crashes as the servers way of telling you that you play too much. You should buy an xtal pack to say thank you xD