2x bow fail with 2x fod aqua

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by IIFIxXFloppies_VengenceXxIVII, Aug 21, 2013.

  1. Bow only goes to 7?! So I was at the end? ****. And frog I agree!! Well a fail I can understand....the reset tho
  2. i hear you. My bane was the ring of illusion, many fails one reset. Not as bad as yours. I really do feel for you.
  3. I guess its just random. The ring never reset on me but it did fail 1 time. But the bow and diamond fiara.... Hate me
  4. My greaves have reset 4 times within a minute  going to 10, going to 5, going to 5 going to 4
  5. Wait until you get the Greaves that will be big time fun NOT!
  6. Everyone says greaves but they are inferno only all the way to ten. The bow, now that is the biggest sob of all enchants
  7. I wasted 128 inferno on my greaves. The second the mith ones came out, I spent 1200 mith on them. Then of course the no-fail ones were awarded to me that are better and cheaper. The greaves are by far the worst in terms of enchanting
  8. So you're saying me losing 27 aqua is not as bad as burning through inferno which can be bought with coins? As to aqua which is drop or bought with xtals?
  9. Be happy my rings been reset at 9 3 times now and my bracers 5 times
  10. Try the resets on greaves over 100x from lvl 8-10 atleast now I can laugh at resets 2 broken phones from greave enchants lmao
  11. Yeah. The greaves are the worst Thing ever. I cant count the Infernos i messed up with those anymore. For sure its far far above 100 and actually they are at lvl2 again!!! Im quite sure now that its totally impossible to max them ;)
  12. Hmm another donkey sighted?!!
  13. My bow never reset on me.
  14. Be happy you have the bow
  15. Was encouraged after seeing all these brave kingdoms...
    So, I went to try upgrading my level 8 greaves to 10 with 20 infernos.

    Ended up with 5. Was fun while it lasted :)).

    Algorithms eh? ;)
  16. Also the new bracers seem to be a pain from 0 5x fails from 0 all done trying them they are in closet
  17. Wait time between enchantments. When it gets up to a high enchant, wait a few days in between. The bow, gold-plated greaves, stalwart helmet, ring of illusion, and new sun flare bracers are known heavy resetters if you don't give it time in between.
  18. Oh god , I don't even want to think of enchanting  3 more hl to go until I unlock Mage, I have like 50 inferno but I've seen it's risky with the aqua, I only have 10 aqua.
  19. Dude, im sure greaves suck but id much rather lose 100 inferno then 18 aqua and 36 inferno
  20. At least you have the bow :lol: