Funny how salty's spelling improves when he's angry. So, you're claiming to have 30lbs more muscle mass than Arnold did in his prime? Lol perhaps you'd also claim to be seven feet tall. Personally I'm 6'1" and 185. Much more realistic. SS or it's bs, salty. My guess is we have a short little porker on our hands, mates.
185? Wow. U truly is a nerd. Ss? Only u nerds do that. You got stuck in arnolds time. Wake up. 270 for a guy who's been lifting his whole life is not that much. Also, ive been that weight at the peak of my bulking cycle. So none of ur arguments stick. What did i expect? U dont even lift. :lol:
Don't really believe you.... Either you don't make 250k or you're extremely stupid The average American (middle class) makes about 50k a year (idk exactly) you claim to make five times that If you do make this and are being serious you need to visit some low income places and see what many people live like and you would not consider yourself middle class or average at all
See salty won't prove it.. I'm a linesman electrician. An I don't make that much, so I'm sure u don't.. Prove it to me I'll show you mine if you show me yours... Btw your parents checks don't count
I am middle class. Nothing fancy here. My parents were not rich so we sometimes struggled to get by. Things are better now. Thats all im saying.
Glad things are going good for you. Why don't you hire a tutor to help with that grammar issue if you make so much?
Cuz i dont wanna/feel i jave a probkem. Now, stop tellung me what to do with my life/money bfore i get a cf from u. I started learning how to play the guitar btw. : )
Only 2.9% of US workers make 250k per year lol you can't honestly expect anyone to believe that you, given your sentence structure, are in the wealthiest 3% of the US.
Probably work on your typing skills. Is it me or does it look like Salty smashed his head over and over on his keyboard?