No support. Can easily be abused. People will take of all adt and sdt and make a ton of gold just to place them down again
Support now that would be a great way of thanking the kaw community for the time and RL cash invested
NOOO! People work for a long long time to get what they have. All of a sudden if small accounts start HLBCing instantly it would ruin the game. Same thing for getting refund on all buildings, you should have thought it through before you built.
Easily fixed Drag. Devs could have it so that there is no cash for the buildings given back. So u tear down a Titans Lair you can put the equivalent Tier building back up on that space for nothing. No gold returned no exploit. Better?
Support - with that flexibility, players can put up a more ee friendly build which should increase participation - something devs would love I'm sure.
Sorry, no support. I would've been more likely to support this if it was on Black Friday when major build changes were more relevant due to the GH change.