I'm sure they fixed the mega build affects from the fang drops, tiny alts getting 100's of fangs by just hitting one tine with a seal on HTE
On my last two hte it was about 192mil a moth. I think the amount per mith depends on build but I believe it will be about the same everytime. I will continue to test and calculate. I will skim next eb and get back to you
So if one xtaled on say, Escape...6 xtals... 220mil=1 moth Then say I make 110 mil per hit. Every 2 hits gets me a moth. Hit 20 times, get 10 moths. 6 unloads, 60 moths. Plus assassinations, making let's say the same, so 1 moth per 2 hits. Hit 30 times, get 15 moths. x6 = 90 moths, for a total of 130. Then items, 1 moth per 2 actions, let's say you use 200 items. 100 moths, for a total of 230. Pretty crappy for max xtaling. On the other side, Glacial Squall drops about 5 moths PER action, making it about 150 moths per unload. Max xtal gets you 900 moths. TL;DR: go with Glacial Squall.
Well. I posted this before in other threads and i still dont know how you can fit this in logically but here it is: My small hyb (500k/500k/500k/500k) got ~350 moths for 1 unload (spy atk) on ss yesterday. My Big Hansel (16m cs) got ~50 moths for ~actions on ss yesterday (other clan but same time). I was and am still confused about that but its a fact!!! Cheers
I feel that this has more to do with than just basic plunder per moth though...UPC, record your findings and we can discuss it in PM sometime next week to create a more solidified theorem
For GS I got 89 moths for 1.7 bil I don't feel like doing the math but it's less than 220 mil per moth for sure
Not at all i did a hte and got 107 and 32 bill my clanmate got 109 and 55bill so that math definately doesnt add up
A general rule for Hte is #actions/2 = moth payout. Moth payout above around 200 actions starts to decrease. So xtaling 6 times will not increase moth payout. 2 full unloads along with 2 xtals seems to yield max # of moths.
I've notice that amongst other things, I'm not at liberty to discuss it publicly on the grounds that ebs a stall, just note that skimming is the key element an unloading helps but (to be continued)