All Star Wars Hey everyone, All Star Wars is just around the corner! First things first, here are the exact start times of the wars. This is when each war starts NOT when you can sign up. Players MUST BE CLANLESS at least 1 hour prior to the start of the first war. War Times - The first war starts at 03:00 PM Pacific time on August 31st (sign up starts at 12:01 AM on the 31st). - The second war starts at 10:00 AM Pacific time on September 1st (sign up starts at 9:01 PM on the 31st). - The final war starts at 06:00 AM Pacific time on September 2nd (sign up starts at 4:01 PM on the 1st). Pertinent Information - All wars last 6 hours. - Players will be able to use 6 health crystals in each war. - The winning team will be the team which earned the most plunder. - Charms will be factored into matchmaking. - Trading will be locked for ASW. - Players are only allowed to enter on 1 account each. - Any player found to be abusing the All Star Wars, by either entering too many accounts, being inactive, or by throwing the war will get a month-long shattered sword. They will also not be eligible for rewards. As for who can sign up: 1600 players will be allowed to sign up. Each player will need to be in the Top 10,000 in order to cast. No players will be allowed to leave and rejoin their ASW clan. No players in the clan have the ability to accept or kick players. If you leave during the event, you will be eliminated. Each clan will have a discord server set up for them in case they wish to communicate outside of the app. DO NOT SHARE YOUR DISCORD LINK. This could allow players from other clans to spy on your tactics if shared. Clans do not have to use discord. Prizes The winning team will receive: - 1x All Star Champion Achievement - 1x Participant ASW Achievement - 1x Starred Name*** EDITED. - 1x Forum Rank - 1x ASW Throne*** Stronger than a regular throne - 1x ASW Banner (customized for winning team, will be given out approximately 2 weeks after the end of the event) 2nd place will receive: - 1x Silver ASW Achievement - 1x Participant ASW Achievement 3rd and 4th will receive: - 1x Bronze ASW Achievement - 1x Participant ASW Achievement 5th-8th will receive: - 1x Participant ASW Achievement Here's a little preview of the throne:
No support because not everyone can war. On your other thread regarding the ASW’s, someone mentioned allowing top 20k. That’s an idea. Not sure if I’ll still be unranked if that is implemented, but clearly you’re not changing it this year. So I’m out, and so are a bunch of others. Have fun to those that are able to join.
Thanks winston, however we expected a little more pleasing reward like a charm for asw in 2012. I also hope you are not keeping this throne on same stats as every other throne, otherwise what’s the point !
Awesome. Thanks winston. I know how tough it was for you guys too get this far. Best of luck everyone who takes part.
If it's the bracers and pauldrons you are talking about then those are from the Summer wars, not all star wars.
Really that's the throne?? Couldn't you be creative?? Instead of Copy pasting the old bone throne we had in legends already? Something that might match something from some of legends, or neutral
It's an ALL STAR war, which by nature means the tops..its a special event not intended for everyone Being all for allowing top 20k to participate because it includes your rank, but advocating against it over the fact its top 10k and doesn't include you is rather hypocritical.
My build isn’t all that bad, but with the immense amount of alts that clog up LBs, it’s hard to get on there. Only LB I am in is 7 thousand something due to a few allies. Otherwise, unranked at every other point. This is a war game for everyone, but it’s cool, like I said, they won’t change their rules this year. Thanks for your input though, Front.
Edited earlier for better clarification dont mean to pick on you, it just seems every year lots are upset because of being excluded. Understandable about alts taking up a lot of otherwise nice real estate in the top 10k allowing more people a chance
That’s precisely the issue. Alts taking up spaces and not allowing those who can’t create alts the option to war. Oh well. Life goes on.
Agreed! Not handing out freebies every time someone coughs up a complaint is pretty understandable, but given the nature of this once a year prestigious event, you would think the winning team would get a little more for the effort. Even a complete unique furniture set. Or like in the past, a nice ring with a little extra power that can be equipped with pride
Thank you ATA team... But ASW is a great sacrifice for many players.. Specially those that have to bribe Wife/GF/Husband/EtC.. Is a commitment we do for our selves.. It's everything we can achieve in this game, Being that Said.. Thank you, But please make higher adjustments to the stats of the rewards and also add the stars and a cool looking Ring.. For the ranks: Gold, Silver and bronze... Enjoy the game all and have fun.. Cheers!