I concur on the hit ranges. I suggest the hit range reflect the indi war CS brackets. Im not complaining that it takes 3 xtals to pin a player 570m CS bigger than me, but once you get to a certain size hit range becomes un proportional.
Devs, thank you for taking notice. I will post a synopsis on page 1 as soon as I'm able. I'm currently at work so I can pay taxes to support the 60 million people who voted for Hillary. Lol. Joking aside, myself and a lot of other people really enjoy this game and don't mind spending money on it if it's to a productive and enjoyable end. I hope the community can collaborate with you guys to grow the customer base and ensure the game lasts for many more years to come.
I think a good addition would be a choice of the small medium and large daily offers. uk players ATM have had prices risen absurdly by apple on them giving them and the rest of the community choices on offer packs would increase revenue and allow players to save money win win which usually means it will be ignored for the let's have another event weekly brainstorm at ata
Get rid of ally hiding spell (if sssso necessary) only AFTER ally kaw store website is closed down! After it's owner is banned. It's not even the steal tracker/watch dog that is a major problem, it's the actual player behind this 'data gathering' website who is the reason cheating is so big in kaw these days. Target let's spell lapse for literally one minute and a certain 'spokesperson' from Veritas has full front and back page ally list of that target..pure magic lol Direct access to kaw servers? Or super fast automatic ally market scanner? Or maybe a bunch of teenagers scanning market from momma' basements 24/7? Lol not many reasonable options here but the realistic ones don't include playing fair..
As of my wish list.. - xtal timer - Kaw world clock - Better quest rewards for small players and harder quests with good rewards for mids - Redo clan roles - current ones are just stupid - Maybe make silver bar rewards from events based on participant' size. Really would like to see more ppl bc. As of right now there's only 4 of the same ppl on my bl every pvp - Admin clan chat - Ash conversion or maybe new ash equipment - Get rid of useless boxes and stuff from long gone events - and last but not least..Ally kaw store closed down and person behind it (very well known to devs and many kawmunity members) banned
100% behind Blazey on that. Don't take hidden spells away unless you fix the program issues (don't wanna be too specific since my post will get removed).
Dear Devs My wish list consists of me being #1 on all lbs, me wanting to be build complete, me having 999,999,999,999,991 speakers please and finally having millions of nobs and millions of seals, horns and circles. Now if you'd be so kind as to give me all this I promise I will stop my alt from farming all your accounts. I wonder how much inc he has given you all...
I would like more drops of aqua and inferno. Current equip rain from events is milking me dry. Heavier punishment for moles in ee wars. Updated prestige lb for clans warring with less prrstige from past wars. Should only reflect 4 weeks or maybe 8
Make speakers cost gold not nobility. Add thumbs up or thumbs down on threads and comments. Aqua cost gold too. Sell inferno for gold since you buy for gold. Indefinite buy crux in marketplace. More pots. I think that new accounts should get 20t automatically for building. Lower tier ebs plunder increase. Seal drop increase. Make more then 1m when hired. A new tutorial, that takes to a thread that explains where to spend the 20t and basic kaw knowledge. Rating on clans, thumbs up and down. Increase characters on clan description. More than 25b to start clan. Better payout on events, like 2k sb is real nice, but not enough. 2k items = 2,250 sb, 5k = 5k, 7.5k = 7k, but 40k = 15k. Make lowland stats = more (x10) HL Stats = more (x2) HF Stats = more (x3) 250b if on winning EE side. Xtal back if win, 50% if lose. ADVERTISE Chance to get 2 xtals if you use one. Less than 20 actions, win or lose, = Shattered Sword
Great ideas guys... some bad ones, but mostly good. We're monitoring and talking about them. Keep em coming!
The 20t sounds extreme but with the gap it isn't much. New players need all the help they can get, although I think you should limit the gold to certain areas so somebody doesn't just go nuts and make a heap of alts for gold. Maybe 500b - Allies 500b Pots 19t Buildings. Dunno how youd implement, and it isn't a great idea because I can be exploited. But I'm sure we could find a compromise.
The 20t sounds extreme but with the gap it isn't much. New players need all the help they can get, although I think you should limit the gold to certain areas so somebody doesn't just go nuts and make a heap of alts for gold. Maybe 500b - Allies 500b Pots 19t Buildings. Dunno how youd implement, and it isn't a great idea because I can be exploited. But I'm sure we could find a compromise.
Lose Ally chat - it's a one way gimmick really and limited use. If people really want to talk then direct chat with Allies. Instead replace it is Admin Chat? - Would be useful to more people. - It's something that has been raised many times - By swapping the two, it would provide a location to add Admin Chat with less dramatic application changes.
Not sure there would be any point on having highlands or lowlands if new builds were given 20t. Hoarfrost would become the new lowland.
How about we put a hold on the newest set of lands and release new tiers and levels on lowlands, highlands and even hoarfrost