2017 community wish list

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Z3R0_THE_MAGIC_MaCHiNE, Dec 30, 2016.

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  1. Would be nice to be able to gift other players things. Xstals/mith/Aqua/inferno type stuff. 
  2. Would be nice if devs stopped deleting issues and started fixing them. But pigs may fly first im certain
  3. This thread has been out for a month and a half and the devs have implemented 0 ideas, 0 suggestions. They have listened to the needs/wants/wishes of the community on a thread they themselves bumped and encouraged and they have done......nothing. :lol: :lol: :lol: Therefore my challenge to the devs if they so choose to accept, is to prove that you are listening, that you do care and you are willing to act upon what the community wants. My challenge is for the devs to take ANY of the ideas/suggestions on this thread, just ONE (I don't think that's asking a lot) and implement it by this weekend.

  4. You do know that's not how it works, right? If you want something done correctly you want them to take the time to make the changes. If you want buggy, possibly game crashing content then sure go ahead and demand something new by the weekend.
    Just because the devs don't voice things out to you all constantly doesn't mean they aren't working on changes.
  5. They are obviously working..on deleting posts they don't like lol
  6. Posts that go off topic, or accuse other players yes, we remove them as per the Forum Code of Conduct.
  7. What's the topic?
  8. Community Wish List.

    Many are using this as a place to call each other out, which the forums are not the right avenue for. For that they should contact support. And that's all I'm going to say on that in this thread.

  9. Okay...but can't you see that some people wait for a statement from you on that matter? What's so hard to post "there's no bots, all is good in Lala land"? Or "that website don't exist is just a Dan Brown inspired conspiracy theory"? Or "we are working hard to tackle bots and last year we was taking actions against X amount of accounts"? That would just show you are not ignoring their concerns. A simple answer without name and shame won't hurt you or your business. Contrary I dare to say.
  10. We've always gone after those who play through automated means and when we're 100% confident in automated action we do take action. It's easy enough to suspect someone of botting, but it takes time to prove it beyond doubt.
  11. There automated systems right under your eyes... Yet you tolerate them. Those ee wars trackers doesn't fall in "use any robot, spider, site search/retrieval application, or other device to retrieve or index any portion of Kingdoms at War" rule? In my opinion it does. What's your tought about it?
  12. So basically your saying that the burden of proving that people are cheating on YOUR game is solely on us? You can't take suspicions and the evidence that is given to you and actually lift a finger to stop the cheating on YOUR game?

    Come on now devs. There is cheating in YOUR game, I haven't named or shamed anyone, but the fact that the greater kaw community can pick some of these cheaters out blindfolded and you tell us that unless WE can provide proof beyond a shadow of a doubt before you will act on anything is shameful. Take care of the cheating in your game or don't look forward to anyone migrating from here to another ATA game.
  13. Semzz, I don't think you are capable of reading. Let's try this again; what he said was this is not the place to be calling people out. This thread was for community ideas, not for cheating accusations. Good job on continuing to add to the problem.
  14. Would be nice to see mith equip and war equip hold more value, the season helmets obtained in s6 are still great but for how much longer? Mith equip is beyond outdated and doesn't really have a purpose anymore, some of the lowest tier event items are way better than the mith equip. Would be nice too see it revived again, make it cost what it should be worth. I wouldn't mind spending 5-6k mith for a new sword and whatever the enchant cost would be. EE is a thriving community, would just appreciate more incentives towards it ya know
  15. Is Charlie still planning on his grand tour?
  16. I can read just fine thanks. I've brought this up on numerous threads and have sent feedback about it. This is the only time there has been a response and he engaged other people's responses to him so I thought it was worth a shot. I'm assuming you haven't read the entire thread or you would know I'm very much on topic as my 2017 KaW wish was to come down hard on cheaters, we've dealt with them long enough. Smart Guy ;)
  17. How's wanting cheating to be dealt with not on topic? I'm sure I speak for the majority when I put it at the top of the wish list. Emailing support on that matter had proven to be a waste of time. I get it, you'd prefer to keep it on dl, hence the banning of website name and all..but don't you think that newer players have the right to be aware of what to expect before they dump hundreds of dollars on kaw, just to realize later that this is no even playing field..It's time to make it right devs
  18. I'd love to see the price of buying a clan increase a large amount. Far too often I see people with less than even 5m CS start clans for newbies, struggle then fail.

    New players shouldn't be able to afford to buy a clan, it should be out of their price range for a long time so that they can learn the game and how clans work before branching off and starting a new one only to fail, it puts new players off the game. Something we need sorely.
  19. Why do you care if they struggle and fail?
  20. Locking this post in the afternoon today. We'll be working on a response/loose roadmap to post out.

    So if you have anything to add... now would be the time.
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