Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by SAWFT, Jan 1, 2016.

  1. ^ I didn't mention it was bumped... That was in my above above post
  2. Why do you even care? Simply asserting dominance based on somebodies previous mistakes is bad taste and narcissistic.
  3. You're an imbecile, nuff said bruv
  4. What to scared to answer the question? Narcissist
  5. Christ, you refer to yourself as a lord in you're tag name... Narcissist
  6. He's so cute, has me in his banner and everything. Bet you were sad when I was dts
  7. This little banter stricken flame fest isn't off topic or anything...
  8. Support! ^
  9. Honestly I pray for your peers as they have to put up with your self loathing and narcissistic attitude. How can they put up with you always knowing everything? You're clearly the modern day Sherlock
  10. Yayayay! That means I'm famous!
  11. Out of curiosity, how did you become a narcissist? Did you just wake up one day and decide you were better than everyone else? Maybe it was some childhood trauma, did daddy and mommy ever give you enough love?
  12. I nominate this dude for the "Noob of 2016" award. I know it's early, but it's a strong candidate!
  13. You've given me an idea, or someone else can do it Idc. Make a thread about it
  14. Turkey
  15. Fake, no proof.
  16. Nice name.
  17. First time i seen you not trolling. Kinda. Gj.