Guys keep in mind. When they sau rival stats iam certain they mean if chestplate is fully maxed. Problem with that is that it will be "very difficult", basically expect lots of fails in mage. So it is only good if you are in top 1000 and you get lvl10 chest plate. And even then its probably wont be as good as war chestplate. I bet lvl11 and 12 will be just slightly better. I think its a waste of time.
Very interesting , love the "top5k for best plate" makes it interesting and actually competitive, pvp event would be great tho! You would get lots of your non supporters changing their mind
Let me correct myself. You need to be in top 100 for hestplate to worth the rival stats. Otherwise stack on aqua and inferno.
Who really cares about the lb it's all sealers anyway this event is for them not for the rest of kaw..
Support. Always love a good event, gives me something to try and achieve, even though i would need some big bucks to be #1. But that's what it takes in a lot of games. Events are not bad, so idk.. Not even gonna get into all of that. Just enjoy the event while it lasts. :3