@kaw community you must if missed all the posts asking about stats/crap rewards /asinine new tier system. It's OK mistakes happen, perhaps you'll see this and address it.
Why don't u give out a few seals (1-3) to players who actually work hard and collect 4,500 dragon things instead of 1 randomly selected player getting a bunch. This event seems like u just threw something together in a half hour
When I Saw That I Literally Started Laughing For A Good 30 Secs :lol: This Hunt Is A Joke Like All The Others
Kaw community you just don't understand. I don't know how long you have been around ata or kaw, if you were around for the start. But I was as were many others. In the beginning kaw was all about PVP. You wanted gold, you hit other players. Wars where your clan would go against another for HOURS AND HOURS and you actually had to try to win because it was the gold at the end you counted on for growth. There were no epic battles no ee it was clans and that's the PVP most of us want back. Until you guys realize what you screwed up years ago when u did away with that **** i don't see you fixing PVP ever. This shouldn't be about what YOU want out of the game devs, it should be what we want out of the game. We are the ones playing it, spending money on it. You want that to continue? Stop ignoring us.
Looks great, but I have a question. When you exceed 2500 eggs or make it to the top 5000, you will move from a one tier achievement to the next, but will they stack? Meaning people who reach the top 5000 will earn Gold lv1, Silver lv5, and Bronze lv3 or will they only earn the achievement at the level they're at?
This event is good for until 3-5days max.. Why 1-2weeks? WHO THE will spend aimming for Top 1 top 5000 top 4000 top 100. For crap rewards. Please end this event now. Let it die and try again.. Oh wait no more events please. I heard ASW was much better amd it doesnt needs to hit eb u have to hit pepples ass to win (like tje system wars)
Ok put the dragon eggs in tsg and ss also .. Lol ok so it's 30-50 for rotwb.. 50-70 for hte.. And once again for the rest of us that can't afford seals it's back to the lamest eb of them all reckoning where it's random 15-20 per reckoning.. If you really want this equipment you'll be paying for it in seals or you'll be doing non stop reckoning.. Again.. I thought devs learned to fix these issues from the feather event.. Just give 300-400 per tsg.. Ss ts.. Anything but reckoning.. If all I have to hunt these eggs is reckoning I'm staying out of this event..