2014 Dragon Melee

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, May 21, 2014.

  1. Lol devs. That was far and away the lamest response you have ever posted. Filtered words hurt your feelings??? I'm sorry babies.

    However you can not deny that the rest of the post, in fact the majority of it was on point and on topic. But as usual you can't debate real points on the things that have been promised over and over and never delivered upon. Typical of what this game has become.
  2. Maybe (just maybe) the devs should send both teams to work on pvp ( NOT EE!! ) since ebs are definetely good for the time being
  3. I'd rather go on a turd hunt
  4. Lol ruthless. That's classic.
  5. Well this isn't far off of a turd hunt.
  6. Look at all the negative feedback you're getting about this hunt. Every post I've seen but one or two have been anti hunt.

    This just shows you aren't listening to your feedback . Hell I sent feedback three days ago. I receive an in game message saying something has been sent to my email. Well I checked my email, you sent nothing. Nice response devs. That really told me you responded to the feedback I gave.
  7. At least the rewards are very achievable... Perhaps too much.
    70eggs per hte
  8. What in the world has kaw turned into. Stop these hunts.
  9.  so if we dont war how we gonna get in top 100
  10. Top1 is who spends the most then
  11. So we have to get into the top 100 to even get a seal wow just wow

    Think how many will be use you can give away more than 100 can't you ?
  12. 57 hte's in 2weeks and you have 4500eggs
  13. Top 5000 for the treasure plate? Come on atleast have the top tier as something reachable
  14. Be up front with us please...

    Inform us of the stats for this equipment or at least an idea of what they are comparative with.
  15. Support Obesa. Stats or no hunt :lol:
  16. Agree with Odesa. Tell us the stats. If they're anything like previous hunts...well.... You know.
  17. Still nothing from kaw community regarding the crap rewards and asinine tiers. I'm truly shocked they haven't addressed this....oh wait.
  18. Since the Treasure Breastplate only goes to the top 5000, how can those participating in the event determine where they rank during the event? if i reach 4000 eggs, and I want to try for top 5000, and by looking at the rank i determine that the top 5000 have over 20k eggs, i might as well stop egg hunting. Why not just keep it all tier levels like before?
  19. This is a friggin joke right???
    I hope it is
  20. A dragon banner would of been better than a bird one