When approximately will the rewards be distributed like will it be soon or about when 48 hours are over
Hey guys, Some of you may have noticed that the wars are still dropping Dragon Eggs. The final count for the hunt will still be what you had on June 11th at NOON PDT.
Where is Kaw_Community? He talks just a little bit more. Where is Kaw_Admin he has better gifs when he responds Do you ever let Kaw_Creative of of the dungeon? He is funnest to talk to. Anyways, good to see you back on forums kaw but you rarely respond and seem to be highly stressed when you do.
No. The equipment you receive will not reset below the level you received it at. If you get it at lvl 5, you will not drop below lvl 5. If you get lvl 10, it will not drop below 10. It will be VERY difficult to enchant to the "next reward tier" however. So, if you get Valley Dragon lvl 0, it will be very difficult to enchant from lvl 4 to lvl 5, because a bunch of other players worked their butts off at the hunt to receive lvl 5.