Lets not have another event and do like last summer. It's what started rotwb and HTE. 2/3 times gold br ambush etc..... That was nice
I used my seals and horns I won from feather event grinding reckoning. Used those for HTE clan. And managed 17,800 something. Granted I did HTE's and ROTWB but I didn't spend a dime
The top '5000' idea was a ridiculous. All the effort put in to just be a few eggs off. Getting the same rewards as those who got 2000 less feathers? That is wrong
I'm with you saturn's demise. Top 5000 idea not impressed. So I got almost 3000 more eggs then 4500 level and I get nada
Can't wait for the next one.Please tell us you will have another one soon. I will have nothing to do till then
Yea I'm with cross and Saturn. Just short of the mark. The boundaries of lower Tiers increase by 500 and this one increases by 3000.. That makes no sense. They should have at least made the lower tiers scale up to it for a smoother increase in gap
The blacksmith is using the legion of eggs to craft some armor. He's not hatching them. Would you want several thousand dragons to be loose on your city
This is the same bullcrap as the quetzal hunt! Devs r just talking the piss. I didn't spend owt but I bet loads did . They r like the torys Ron the poor and feed the rich . And give shitty rewards for our hard work . Thoughts IndieSingh