2012 All Star War - Team List and FAQ

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by admin, Sep 21, 2012.

  1. lol...huge amount of sleepers here, most only had the min pot requirement, a few had to start buying def pots..lol
    9mil CS player with 95 Def pots haha.

    I can't understand how these guys can join a war then head off to bed, weird.
  2. Meh. This game has turned into a joke. I mean really, 10,000 All-Stars. That alone should show you the complete stupidity of the devs. As for the admin thing. Complete joke, devs, if you're reading this, you're fvcking idiots. What about the first two years? Where people could actually benefit their side with admin abilities. I know where I'll be spending my time now. On a game that is far superior than KaW. That game is Castle Age. The devs should download Castle Age and play it and maybe then they'd have a clue again.

    2 hour wars which are fantastic for people with lives. They actually reward the players with their favor points (like nobility but far easier to gain through tasks) for completing various tasks. They have a system that is constantly growing and can be played on fb itself. Pretty much a way better game.

    In conclusion. Fvck devs, you guys screw this game up more and more each time. Maybe one day y'all will lean.
  3. Im on list of team 5, but got rejected? o_O I applyed 7 hrs b4 war start. Did i do something wrong? :O
  4. All right, it was good to war (I'm lying for our clan it was as pleasant as chewing on overheated drill bits), but the system for ASW needs to be revamped.

    Few of things here
    1. 10k players allowed to sign up- especially when so many are used to EB only - is not the best way to go.
    2. With such large clans we all get inactives but give us at least 10 minutes to kick them before you get rid of the admins.
    3. Please, next time do not offer rewards just based on getting in the 1,600. I can't shake the feeling that some players signed in and then went to sleep happy they were going to get their aqua/inferno, etc.
    4. I don't mind 8 hours or 12 hours wars. However, it sucks when a bunch of people decide to test out if they like it at your expense. It happened to my clan in Summer Wars and it happened again today. Perhaps in the future the Devs can offer 2 hours wars next over the weekends so that people can figure out if they like to war or if they should stick to EBs.

    Anyways congrats to all who won the round, you did well.
  5. Good work devs... 10 mins before war over, one of our player (alt) from another team opened him self and they made 60b... Before it we were leading 20 b! 
  6. Well done winners. Damn pity some cheaters managed to slip the net
  7. "Nice" work "devs" on finding alts and letting pure spy join 
  8. Thx barcode in team 4 for loosing round....
  9. Look at our war history, lots joined and did absolutely noting. Wouldn't have been too bad if we could have kicked the losers.

    There should have been no reward at all for the ASW, to stop these noobs joining for free stuff and a nice achievement badge.
  10. Congratulations Retribution! well deserved win! Now go on and win so we can say we lost to the winning team :p
  11. Congrats DEVS for a complete and utter balls up if the ASW from start to finish

    Messed up sign up
    Messed up clans had noobs in that had to be cleared out
    We only had 199 at start of war
    Alts were aloud in
    Admins made and then taken away so couldn't kick inactives
    We had about 20 inactives in our clan how r u supposed to plug that leak
    So a big well done DEVS you are SPECIAL
  12. The next "all star" war should not be random, first to sign up.

    We should have some sort of knockout system. The last 200 or whatever it is make it into a clan.

    Say sort of like a game of bounty hunter. 5k people start, you get a target. Everyone has a target and 500 person with least plunder after 1 hour get eliminated. Just an idea lol.
  13. ASW2012 looks like a fiasco.  very disappointing.
  14.  Val  I was thinking the same thing, some kind of individual qualification event. people with zero hits in roster results,  seriously, should haven't been there.
  15. The developers have already stated that they will be reflecting on the mistakes that happened during this years asw in a post-asw thread. Reflecting on what they've done wrong, theyll be able to develop a better war tournament system and hold numerous competitions like this, for rewards, throughout the year.

    So chill, fighting 200 eb noobs isn't really something to get your knickers in a knot..
  16. The clans with less unexperienced/inactive noobs got to the next round. We had one declaring a target as "open for scout" in cc. And a few who missed the first seven hours, logged in to say "good morning, what did I miss?". What a waste of time - this TooManyNoobsWar.
  17. Oh yeah...

    The open for scout guy - lol
  18. What a disappointment this war was . kaw devs u really didn't think this one thru at all!!! LEAKS!!! REMOVED ADMIN RIGHTS??? put people's alts in? I know ur not perfect but bloody hell!!! That was atrocious!

    But despite all this I'd like to thank our war commanders and all the work they put in! Ty belle Romeo  jayde your efforts were above and beyond! I'd also like to thank all those on my team harbingers of destruction that put effort forth and actually warred! to those freeloaders that rocked up "to try it out" don't ever apply to asw again!!! pretty sad when I ranked 195 and came in at 58 for plunder when I spent a good portion of war pinning leaks

    But lastly Ty for they excellent war put up by harbingers of war you guys worked remarkable well to come out on top after we took two significant leads at dif stages  you plugged your leaks well! And held ur ground and made it up as well! Much respect to u all and wish u well in next round
  19. Thought war went well, even though we lost. You can argue about how it was organized, but at the end of the day, thats what the devs decided and we play by their rules, like it or not.

    One thing that I think needs to happen though is to create a war achievement, eg
    level 1 = 10 wars
    level 2 = 20 wars etc.....

    Then for ASW 2013 need level 1 achievement, ASW 2014 level 2 achievement, you get the idea.
    This will:
    1) Get peeps warring if they want to be in ASW like KAW is meant to be played.
    2) Give them war experience so you dont get lb players that got there through constant eb's
    that leave themselves open and let the team down.
    I know there are other contributing factors, but I believe it would help.
    Leave it open to top 10k with the required achievement and the next ASW's will hopefully have less nit picking about who's leaking and allow peeps to war instead of trying to pin their leaks.

    Just an idea. comments would be appreciated.
  20. I've been in all three AllStars Wars. The last two had flaws but were great fun. I feel like I was just in a big setup with this one. I doubt I will do a fourth. I'm not blaming the developers but with so many alts players are willing to sacrifice the team they are assigned to so that they can advance another account. I just wasted 8 hours and weeks of looking forward to this playoff. I've had 2.5 years in KaW, and most of it was lots of fun. I can truthfully say it is not the game it used to be. We as players can blame ourselves as much or more than the developers. Games have rules and expectations that players want to win. That has always been the problem with allowing Alts. I hope the developers really look over how the players behaved in this playoff, and how they were selected for teams.