2012 All Star War - Team List and FAQ

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by admin, Sep 21, 2012.

  1. Harbingers of Apocalypse have 201 players... Waiting listing is a form of craps I believe. ASW should have make it to 10 clan or even more to tackle more players to join in the fun, instead of limiting to 8 clan with only total of 1600players.
  2. Quit crying
  3. Sorry if this has already been stated, but what will be the crystal limit for each 8hr war?
  4. Could u please kick qa member of team 1 to give me a spot ? Thx lol
  5. We are looking into this.
  6. ^Look into it fast lol. 201 members? That's stranges
  7. What are you looking into exactly?? Ur so called organization is a joke. How hard is it to apply by the rules you yourselves set?! A big joke.
  8. There are glitches in games you know... How about you just calm down, know a mistake was made, and know they are doing their best to fix it
  9. That's just a game guys... I love it, i'm spending hours on it,
    , but just a game...
  10. Hey why not opening 2-4 more new clans to accommodate the waiting list members? It doesn't make sense of having only 1600 out of 10,000 qualified players! That's only 16% of the KAW eligibles! At least make it to 30-40% spots - then that's fair! Punishing the waiting list people simply shows the incompetency of the whole system!
  11. These devs r stupid. U can see in the forum "participant list" my name towards the bottom..but now the stupid devs have me on the waiting list. Its stuff like this that makes me want to quit KAW :x :x
  12. If you think the developers are stupid then by all means quit. Remember, without the devs there never would of been kaw :roll:
  13. i think ts just stupid how they have my name in the participant list...then put me out of war :evil:
  14. jj333
  15. Lane, mistakes are made, devs are human. Instead of raving about an app... Why not just ask them nicely to look into your issue??

    chill out everyone... Ask nicely, devs are doing the best they can. It's 1600 people after all!

    Thanks devs for all your hard work, on the FREE app you got us all addicted to. ;)
  16. Or at least if retain the same 8 teams, then for heaven sake increase the number per team to 400 or 500 per team! Come on! I applied for Team 1 but guess what? It's full! I tried other teams n I'm in but will probably be kicked out since I don't belong to it! Haiz!! Come on! Are you saying that we from the Waiting List have not been active or supportive? Haiz!!
  17. Hey fonzy, you're in - of course you can talk whatever you want! Selfish! Don't forget we still have over 100 more waiting for a spot!
  18. You have always been on the waiting list, maybe you should double check?

    When you saw your name towards the bottom, you actually saw your name on the waiting list. You didn't scroll up to check, hence the confusion on your part.