2012 All Star War - Team List and FAQ

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by admin, Sep 21, 2012.

  1. @ kaw_admin: why are players ranked below 10,000 being allowed to participate in asw? (3rd or 4th time asking)
  2. You can not blame the devs for people cheating, cheaters will always find a way. Opening an alt in opposing team is just pure and simple cheating. Not because its a poor tactic, spies have been part of wars for centuries, but because the rules stated no alts. So if you did it, your team knew about it or you supported it then your a CHEATER simple. Not the devs fault. No easy way to find alts.
  3. Congrats doom on winning all star war 2012!!!! 
  4. I wasn't in the wars but wanted to be, just didn't work out and that is ok. Thank you Devs for putting on such a huge undertaking. I am curious though if you are going to investigate these accusations of Losers in one clan hopping into another to continue on with the wars? If they did and you do find out who they are, they should be stripped of their winnings, period. I think you could even see which admin let them in and strip them too, that is rubbish in my opinion. This was meant to be fun for everybody, too bad some folks are such poor losers!
  5. I really wondered, admins let people in the clan? If admins could let people in they could kick also!
  6. @ codeine I believe kaw_Admin answered that question on a previous thread. If I can find it I'll bump for you.
  7. Our ASW round was a complete FRAUD: (on behalf of Clan 4 - Conquest)

    One of our team (barcode - ranked 40 in our clan) was an alt of a member of the other team and purposely threw the game - this is called CHEATING.

    Quick outline of the actions and anybody on KAW can judge for themselves:

    1. A huge, pure, experienced OSF coming to the ASW with allies - obviously he is not a noob and he knew how war work.
    2. We had an extensive discussion in cc pre war specifically about the fact that no OSF should have allies (in which barcode actively participated) - yet he kept allies and didn't disclose it to any of us.
    3. He had an attack bldg when the war started (SS already proved it)
    4. He didn't cast simple spell to hide his allies with Mith so he would not get stripped.
    5. He basically did no hitting the entire 8 hours on opposing clan - his total was 35 actions only and he was our 40th ranked player.
    6. In the last 15-20 minutes of the game when it was clear that we won as we were up by over 23bil he suddenly started osfing for the other clan - loosing 1600-2000 actions and 70-100 bil in gold in a just a few minutes. He didn't need to do anything other then stay pink for 20 minutes - other clan had nothing they can do to close the gap without him. We were very clear in CC to everybody during the last 20 minutes to stay pinned)
    7. He never "noticed" the message that an alley was bought (although he was online at the time).
    8. How he didn't notice 1600-2000 messages that he is being attacked and losing (while online and awake).
    9. If the alley was stripped he could have easily just put the money away so the attacks stop yet failed to do so.
    10. He could have put up a bldg in a few seconds rather the allow attacks to continue for 20 minutes.
    11. He never self pinned so he cannot be attacked.
    12. He didn't ask our clan neither in cc or otherwise to pin him as he is being attacked so we can stop the leak.
    13. He didn't notify anybody in our clan via cc or any other methods (Pal, PM, wall) that he is being attacked.
    14. All of that attacks on Barcode came in the last 20 minutes of the game when it was clear that Conquest won and they have no chance of catching up - If it was a legitimate action - would you wait to the last minute to strip an huge OSF or would you do it asap as not to take the chance that he drops or sells his allies, that one of us will buy them, or that he will put up an attack bldg - would any of you wait for the last minute. (this is bunch of crap!)
    15. He could have dropped out of the war once started to get bombarded with 2000 attacks in 20 minutes.
    16. He had only two allies and he didn't know who bough one of them or what is their name? or what clan they were at? (and we are speaking about 450 bil alt - BS!!!!!!)
    16. Right after the war he had no explanation to any of these question (Hence he was awake at the time).

    Each of these actions on their own make it pretty obvious that this was BLATANT cheating - but lets put them altogether . . . what are the chances that all of these happened together?

    In case you are still not convinced add the following facts:

    1. Other clan passed a PM that he is going to open and they knew to all attack him in the last 20 minutes well ahead of time. (again - why wait?)
    2. Some members of opposing clan members admitted and even bragged on our walls that we had a mole who gave them the game.
    3. Although I didn't see it supposedly this player admitted either in forum or elsewhere that he opened up to his alt. If he is not lying - come out - and please explain all the points above.


    This is a very clear and simple case of blatant cheating that put all the ASW, KAW and your personal integrity to a serious question.

    Here is a simple suggestion for you to get your integrity back without "harming" the clans that won semi and final fairly.

    Next weekend have a special war in which our clan plays the clan that we were suppose to play at the Semi Final. If we win the following weekend have another round in which we play the clan that won it all. They should keep all their achievements and rewards regardless of the results of these wars with our clan.

    If we win our 2nd round we should receive the same awards and achievements as winners of the Semi finalists. If we win our 3rd round we should receive the same rewards and Achievements and the clan that won the final.

    Finally, we should get at least the same amount of war tax plunder, achievements, and other rewards that the cheating clan received. We all spent real money, many billions of gold and lots of time and efforts preparing and fighting this war, which we clearly won as checking the war history actions will show.

    (Please note that I been playing KAW for almost three years and have never posted in forums).

    Your prompt response and action will be highly appreciated.
  8. When can we expect payout and achievement for asw's?
  9. pure fiasco asw
    are u sûre 10k players are stars ?
    i m disgusted like lot of other players
  10. All " star war

    Should have stars in it not noobs. So many this year signed up just because they wanted a badge and some rewards. Compleat joke in my eyes especially when you have people who take naps leave or just flat out don't try.

    Change is needed or next year you can just call it

  11. I could not join ASW, I am LB 64-66 usually, I was waiting list... But I applied the war within 10 min after opened applicant on Kaw wall.


    Stupid, silly
  12. @kawdevs the allstar war was fun, a bit hectic, but fun . All in all being in the finals was awesome and very tiring as i had to stay up all night for the last one. I am proud to have fought along side and against so many people. Thank you, I know your not hearing it often, but thank for the chance to honor my friends and clan by fighting. You all work hard and have always done right by me so Clan Causa Mortis thanks you. For everyone else that didn't get in, please get you undies out of a wad and move on, if you want a war then challenge a clan a win one in a fair fight. Thank you again Devs for the good time and thank you harbingers of War.
  13.  i agree 
  14. Where is my aqua, inferno and noobs
  15. Stop the necro bumps please, there is no need to bump this thread.
  16. Teem doom for the win 