2012 All Star War - Team List and FAQ

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by admin, Sep 21, 2012.

  1. Aww damn really angry lost my main acc
  2.  poor devs planning..my official boo!!
  3. I was waiting at the door for entry but was never accepted. Though the team 8 was not full. Pls explain kaw admin. Thought u said people on waiting can apply and join at 12pm pst if clan is not full?
  4. Dang i missed signups for ALL STAR WAR dang it
  5. Thank god you did miss it, you would have been a leak for whichever poor team you landed in.
  6. Im obviously not eligible for All Stars War, but something i cant help but ask when all these ppl have pionts about the devs doing this and that wrong is: If this is the third (i think idk, havnt been round long enough) ASW y is there still problems with admins, door locks, leaks, the lack of general information for the participants (add rules on clan page about: dont start ebs after war, keep the door locked etc as posted in another thread by babycakes). Shouldnt by the third ASW these issues be ironed out and it run smoothly? idk thats my 2 dollars worth, thanks
  7. Yea that last point is a strange one, surely that team should have known better than to start letting other players off the other losing team into their clan, especially when they've another war coming up.

    I don't know if it was just Belle or others, but I hope that clan doesn't lose out because of this mistake.
  8. Definitely Support MAffis' proposal of a war achievement as an approach to sifting through players for next ASW.
    We need more chances for people to learn how to (and if they like to) war. Plus - hint, hint - war achievements could up a player's plunder %. That way we get back to a war game, using a definite incentive.

    I'm ok with having lost yesterday, not complaining about that and I think most people here are not doing that, we are just offering some suggestions and points of view on how to make the next go around better.
  9. lol...Now players that have lost their previous war are jumping into a winning clan to go through to the next round, disgraceful, absolutely disgraceful.

    It's going from bad to worse, why on earth was this allowed? You lose, you lose, that's it. Devs said it themselves, it's an elimination Tournament.
  10. Reading the feedback from all the participants in these threads, I'm glad I ended up on the waiting list. Saved myself some serious frustration.

    At this point I think the best move ATA could make is to scrap this disaster entirely and try again in a couple months when they're got it figured out.
  11. All I can say about ASW3 is WTH was the point of assigning admins that carry no power to do what admins are to do for just one of the major issues? Devs I give you the the 2013 dumbshit award! Is it really that tough to have common sense? I'm a programmer and it's not that hard to implement a satisfactory system or idea that works. You're shooting yourself in the foot, really try taking what people say to heart, every unhappy player due to Developers not listening equals 1 failure point. I think you're racking them up, it's the players that make the game without us where would you be.
  12. any clan that allowed members from a losing team to join there's should be disqualified!! it's an unfair advantage, and the devs know it! Don't make this ASW a mockery. Fair is fair and cheating is cheating, don't let the cheaters win. Devs please do your job!!
  13. Dev. Seriously u have to answer y can people from a losing team able to join another winning team for war??? So what happen to those who fail to join or in the waiting list??? Is there a conspiracy? Are this 'cheaters' friends of the dev? Or are they the one who often purchase things in the oracle=VIP ??
  14. Complete failure of ASW. I was hoping for a much well organised ASW since this was the third one. From entry criteria and method to war format to rewards. Seems like kaw got it wrong badly this time. Hope kaw can really learn from this bad experience and do a Better event for the next one. I think for us think rather keep blaming kaw, as a long time player myself, I have enjoyed the game and dun plan on stopping playing. So instead of blaming on kaw now won't help. Lets show some support and hope they can sort things out for future events if not now. Cheers kaw 
  15. I have posted what I believe could be a great solution to the problem of participation in the All Star Wars and alleviate sign ups entirely.

    Forums / Feedback

    Warrior ranking system

    If implemented it would seriously promote wars and offer newer players the ability to earn the respect of even the most hardened war vets.
  16. I agree  definitely why not grow your rank like you grow your build? Clans have prestige, players can have the same calculated by war experience and actions therefrom. 2  on that idea..... implement it.
  17. There was lots of issues that prevented this year from being a epic all star war.

    First being that you make admins yet they have no power to do anything. What's the point why not just have 0 admin.

    Also you put all mods in one team. Makes it look like you are stacking that team. You want to keep it fair and not rigged looking spread them out.

    Not to mention you have cheating going on by having clans let people in for the second war. They should have been disqualified if you want to keep it fair. You break the rules your team is disqualified.

    I had a all around good time but this this could have been better for all involved in this years all star war.
  18. Is just funny that devs alwayse say
    WE READ!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    WE READ!!!!!!!!!!!!
    WE ARE HERE READING!!!!!!!!!!

    Then read this iam sorry but u fail this asw np players cya next years