2012 All Star War - Results & Updates

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by admin, Sep 24, 2012.

  1. Re: 2012 All Star War - Results

    I agree with what others posted in here throughout the thread. A helpful bit of knowledge would be the incoming actions as well as outgoing actions by the players. This will show more about what has gone on as far as leakers and such. Maybe the ability to read all actions not just successful ones against the opponents but all actions from quests to failed scouts.

    *I add quests because sometimes you simply can't find someone to hit and need to quest to stay pinned.

    **For all the people out there wondering why I'm posting, it's because I got a new phone today and the account is in the process of being transferred.

    ***And yes. I screwed up and spelled account wrong and my reset button disabled (damn thing). And as its temporary I'm not gonna hassle the devs so it can reset and be fixed. But having this account is great for farming noobs 
  2. Re: 2012 All Star War - Results

    But bro, just because I can't hit redstar, doesn't mean I'll be gunning for him during an SW.

    Opening up the playing field also opens up who I can hit inside the SW you know?

    All I'm saying top 5-10,000 players should remain. The greatest warrior I know, is not even ranked lol.
  3. I suggest the dropped people still get an achievement badge (no aqua or anything though).

    I don't know maybe a badge with a pillow in it - to remind the of their need for beauty sleep.

    Perhaps something that says 'open for scouting'

    Or a big freaking steel boot hitting a noob

    Pretty please Devs?

    :D :mrgreen: :lol:
  4. Re: 2012 All Star War - Results

    I agree with ash lmao!

    Remind them that they placed SLEEP (what) over the ASW for the rest of their KaWreers! 
  5. Re: 2012 All Star War - Results

    I also agree with Ash!!!! That not only would be amazing. But maybe have the badge make it so they aren't allowed to join the ASW for one or two years. So they can't do it again lol. Maybe teach them that doing what they did not only was a slap in the face of all the participants, but also all the people who were left out due to their actions.....or lack there of 
  6. Re: 2012 All Star War - Results

    And before anyone (granted no one may but jic lol) mentions anything about my "lack of actions". Especially in the last war. I was one of the many happy sweepers in DM doing what I can to help keep leaks plugged. I'm sure most from 160-185 know that from the very few times they would slip out of pin I would show up in their news lol. Even if they were in cc. Ain't nothing wrong with being one of the custodial engineers of the awesome Harbingers of Doomand the former but still amazing TEAM WRATH lol
  7. Re: 2012 All Star War - Results

    Just want to make a comment about the minute to minute updates android users can see that even pc users or iPhone users can not which gives them an unfair advantage in wars catching leaks on both sides seeing who earns how much plunder and who has incoming hits....if your going to make an option such as this then it should be available to all users otherwise do not make the option at all .... and no were not all gonna go out and buy and android so either remove it all together or make it available for all devices so we can have a fair war ...thank you
  8. Re: 2012 All Star War - Results

    There are players like myself who was active the who war and did a lot of actions but did not win, therefore it wouldn't seem as if a small amount of actions were done when in fact a lot of action were done but just didn't win, is there a way to differentiate?
  9. Re: 2012 All Star War - Results

    I think there has been a marked improvement in the way the developers are listening to the players and it is refreshing to see their responses to this thread.

    However I still don't buy the 'random' generation of rosters that resulted in a certain clan being filled with mods and big spenders.

    No sour grapes from me, Doom fought a good fight and worked well to keep each other pinned. Just feel that the selection process needs reviewed to ensure the most even spread.
  10. Re: 2012 All Star War - Results

    Support  however as previously stated there were many that used their actions pinning the said inactives and that was a valuable contribution and should definitely qualify for rewards (though I'm sure the Devs already know this and will take that into account) .

    On another note , only a few inactives were named , all inactives should be named in my opinion. Why not gather them in one clan and and all the people that want "revenge" in another and whack it out in an osw style, instead of the clan suffering as a whole it's your own kingdom you need to defend in that situation, it would help educate them as well surely.... Better to educate than to destroy. . Hell, they'd probably have fun lol
  11. Re: 2012 All Star War - Results

    Lol and yes support for a "Sleeping on the job" achievement lmao!
  12. Re: 2012 All Star War - Results

    Just a thought, why not link summer wars to ASW since the dates for both event are close. Pick out players ( how many ? Devs decide ), spread them evenly to 8 teams. TaDa !!! All Star War  No one will complain if they are not in cause summer wars is the best filter.

    Just my 5cents input
    Cheers 
  13. Re: 2012 All Star War - Results

    Flaws of Wars:
    -Players should apply to wars based on time zones so all will be active.
    -Should not be able to attack own clan members (leaks)
    -no ally buying during wars.
    -Only time you should be too weak to attack should be when you have zero troops across the board.
  14. Re: 2012 All Star War - Results

    @BMW, I believe the devs are implementing those into their new war update, I'm not 100% sure but pretty positive that they are working on stuff like that
  15. Re: 2012 All Star War - Results

    What I don't understand about the whole thing is how did you devs drop the ball on this ASW?? You had ASW before! You had summer war!! U had plenty of time to set this war and you still totally blew it!! The feeling I get was let's put our mods n huge HLBC members in one clan and throw everyone else in the other clan. You give us halfass rules but tell us don't worrie were not going by them, here's your admins but they have no power whatsoever, then you walk away and don't bother to oversee the war!! Because if you did you would have seen all the errors and one sided teams you had made! You could have delayed the game to make the corrections but NOOOO you let it continue knowing good n well who was going to be the winning team. Now you try to smooth it over by saying those with little or no activity will get nothing if the admins approve it??? REALLY!!! As many complains you got from previous wars this one should have been awesome!! But instead this was by far the worst! Everyone makes fun of the noobs here but clearly we can see who really are the noobs of this game (devs) this was my first ASW and was so happy to be part of it but after all this, it was the biggest letdown ever! It's no fun pinning your own team mates instead of hitting your opponent. Team apocalypse was a great clan to be in with a lot of great people who put up one heck of a fight. Devs!! You have a year before the next ASW PLEASE DON'T SCREW IT UP!!!! I hope to be in the next one, but that's if I don't lose interest in the game altogether. This just my 2 cents
  16. Re: 2012 All Star War - Results

    Pinned down and buying Ali's for clan are 2 of many reasons I see one could have been active but results don't show it...I see why it is hard to determine what inactive really is...I see the let the admins vote on a vouch for players on the inactive list...only problem is admins do not know what those players are really doing...no way the admins sat there and monitored every Ali bought by who and every guy pinned down..and just because somebody is in clan chat don't mean they have done a thing...i say reward the original stated agreement and don't give in to complainers that lost as well as host another Allstar tournament this year and do it right this time...and let me join a team this time...if I'm better than someone on a team why am I on waiting list
  17. Re: 2012 All Star War - Results

    @hap you are on the waiting list for not being one of the first 1600 people to sigh up first come first serve
  18. Re: 2012 All Star War - Results

    Team doom had 3 mods, yes. But our roster wasn't much better- if better at all- than other rosters. We had chongo hombre, yes. After that we had adrianthegodofgin, who is very strong but not a big spender as people accuse him of being.
  19. Re: 2012 All Star War - Results

    Why does everyone keep saying the same thing? Pinning inactive clannies, if that was your job the admins will know as it was those that most likely assigned you the role, so they will vouch for you.
    Same goes for stripping the other clan of their allies, admins will know who ponied up the gold.

    Other comment was "some people might have wanted to war but something came up in real life"
    I really don't care what your excuse for not being active is, inactive is inactive, if you can't commit to the full 8hrs of each war then you shouldn't be there, simple. No way they should be rewarded because they cared more about achievement badges and rewards than they did about the rest of their clan.
    You took the place of someone that could have been active for the FULL duration.
    No point in saying 4hrs into the war "i'v to go to work now guys, can you pin me for the next 4?"

    And please stop saying team Doom had a hand picked roster, picked to win, all teams had strong players from all war clans, not the Devs fault that Wulf (I assume from comments) had good strategies to win the wars.
  20. Re: 2012 All Star War - Results

    For all those lazy, ass-holes saying that the devs need to stop people from purchasing allies in the war...

    Are you a joke?

    Firstly, buying allies is a valid part of the game, important for traders everywhere, they don't need to be stopped by this war.

    Secondly, if you don't want to get stripped, cast an ally spell or actually commit and stay up!. There should be no reason you should be stripped, as you are there to be active, so you can just bank anyway.

    Thirdly, if you can't put up with stripping after all of that. Go back to hitting Apheriun and Mautos. Because you, are a certified EB noob. The aim of this game is war, war causes destruction, stripping is a main part of it...

    God EB noobs piss me off...
    :| :roll: