I do not believe you can give your seat to a specific person this year. You may withdraw of course but your seat will go to the next person on the waiting list.
Wulf you want better idea...how bout 24 hour sign up period for top 5000 10000 or whatever. # of clans and size of clans can be formatted by # of participants . All who apply are in if they meet requirements
@ Bama Beast. Don't waste another year of your life on this dumb game. This is third ASW I've seen and third ever. This one was most important to me because I'm almost positive I will quit sometime this year. So I rlly wanted this. But as usual. Devs screw things up
Can team captains pick? For instance: player ranked 9,999 on LB can be ignored, and somebody on the sideline ranked top 100 be accepted. I would then call it an Allstar war. Let the top 10k apply, the best of them get to play. Keep it clean, and keep it nasty! Cheers
If you know of a player with more than one account registered you may report it anonymously to me and I will pass it to the developers. You may use a popular 3rd party chatting app to make your anonymous report. You can find me in a group called [KAW Mods]
And I'm sorry Wulf but I don't see "EXACTLY" anywhere in their sign up thread. And forgive me if I thought that "#ASW 2012" should be the difference between getting in or not.
So you would have the war be between clans that have over 500 - 800 members? That would be VERY difficult to manage.
We only looked at messages which contain the "#ASW2012" tag. We're sorry you did not get into this year's all star war, but the instructions were very clear on the tag that you needed to use.
Sounds like the most amazing year of world war between every ranked clan in the game. I disagree, I simply think the strongest can take the seat of the weakest when applying. Keep whatever number you're using, and if you place lowest and get bumped.. Work harder and you can compete next year. All Star means the absolute best. If you are an average player, and your team recruits a better person, you can either try to become the best or you can sit on that bench.
To follow up on a few posts that I'm seeing: * You may not give up your spot to a specific person, although you can give up your spot. Please notify us asap if you are not going to be participating so we can accommodate players who do want to play. * As we remove duplicate entries from the list, the waiting list players will get moved in. This will be reflected in the final rosters we will be posting * For those of you who feel like there has been an error, let us know via feedback and we will double check your entry. The chances of there being an error are very slim, but we will make the effort to check.
No wulf you wouldnt need 809 members in clan. Your assuming everyone in top 2000 or 5000 would join and that there are no duplicate acccounts. You could make 16 clans also which would add 1 extra war to current system. My guess is clan size would be around 200
The rapists said it counts. Oops, Therapists said it counts. LOL - guess spaces do matter. <<relax - that was a joke>>
I guess signing up 2 hours after registration is 2 hours too late. *sigh* In future can the time be reasonable for all countries. I'm sure there are crossover times where the majority are all awake.
Obviously they were not clear enough devs. In feedback pm's you told me you'd look into it, but judging by what you just said. You didn't look into it. And obviously you are not sorry. You couldn't possibly care less. I also fixed my sign up, and I'm still not on waiting list. Nice game you got goin here. It takes work to make a good game, so if you want this game to be best it can be, you can't rely on a ******* computer to do all the work for you.
Can understand people frustration at not making the participant list as the process was a bit of a shambles with no clarity provided until the last minute. To be fair to the devs, they wouldn't have had to do that if people had been patient enough not to spam feedback before signup was open. Has there been any indication whether each round will be auto join? I assume they will be but would be good to have it confirmed.