2012 All Star War - Inactives List

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by admin, Sep 25, 2012.

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  1. @ -_PaNiC-__-
    My point is about the fact that not all inactives should be tarred with the same brush. I was inactive in second war but precious little I could do about it.

    Some who were inactive and say across 2 wars and should have been kicked or were kicked – no excuses. Others have genuine real life reasons for what happened. Such people now do have a method of appealing. This should have been done before publishing the list. That was the first point of my thread.

    There’s also a general insinuation that all such inactives are newbs and should be punished. That is what I have an issue with. Even the real newbs I imagine got a rude shock as to what was expected and required, either then or after. But, we all learned (except the few who are rich) the hard way on how to grow and war, and let’s be a little tolerant of these people, who we need to keep KAW running and fresh.
  2. Farming list or not:

    I would urge everyone in clan WAR not to farm those names, round 1 to 3, even the stripped OSF :) It's over. We had fun, learned a few things, did what we could, fought well and they are not receiving rewards.

    At least not farm them for being inactive. If they do show disrespect to you, however, I'll leave it to you guys.

  3. @kaw_admin
    Rd 2. Im not inactive in the first 4 hrs of war, but i LEFT after 
  4. Ashvar, I don't know if PE has yet but some others have. 
  5. @KAW
    admins had no power in round one to kick despite your rules posted.


    Feedback was sent, pm's were sent (in third party app) no response but you posted forums with this.


    You finally get back to the admins over an hour past war ends with this.


    The dispute isn't all the **** you did wrong its that u post players names to be farmed by kaw when not doing enough research into if they tried to leave and get kicked. As a company you have many responsibilities to your gaming consumers if your not capable in conducting your business in a professional manor than i suggest that you hire someone who can. Posting a list knowing the results of your actions and not doing everything posable to assure its accuracy is troubling to say the least. Im not even going to get into why admin powers were than given for rounds 2 and 3 after your above statement in ss 2. Not to mention all the other stuff that than proceeded by doing such.

    If its a genuine mistake than so be it but don't come in here and act all high and mighty like your **** don't stink, because from where all of us are standing it sure as hell dose.

    One day we will get a good mod!
  6. U should remove the names themselves from the initial post once it's finalized to prevent it from mistakenly considered a dunce list.

    U should also prohibit the republishing it on the forums to deal with the wise a** who will re-post as a screen shot.

    This deals with getting the result (removing rewards from those who didn't fully participate) while preventing every person on the list from being deemed "bad" players.
  7. The list is a noobish thing to do. Some on the list does not need the harassment or embarrassment from the kaw community.
  9. @kaw_admin Somehow u should not have grouped kicked people in with real inactive's at all. We already aren't receiving the rewards as it is. Only 0 actions is actually inactive but Less than 20 actions seems like complete rubbish for this kind of event. Can the devs see how many actions u made before kick? Hope so..

    I was kicked round 3 and only had pulled in between 700m and 1b. i Woke up an 1 and half hours or so after my kick which happened around 6am. Slept 2 hrs..erm well passed out for 2.5 hours. I had 32 hits in my news when i woke up. Few scouts. Few steals. Few attacks. Fails of all those also.
    I should have been kicked and It was the right thing to do. I fell asleep at my post. No reward. Nuff said.

    My performance in war 1 and 2 was stellar. Ranked 198 in war clan and ranked 33 on war 1 and 29 on war 2(have ss). I hate it that i dropped the ball and being that so many did makes it worse.
    To be grouped with people who made 0 actions and no effort is garbage. it was a hard hit seeing that but im over it and ill be back for the next tournament with new determination.

    Thanks for communicating with us kaw_admin.
  10. This list can't be correct, can it? 

    I looked up some of them, some come up as "Error Invalid user", others look like reset inactive with * and (01), and even found one who isn't 900mil CS, how did he make the list in the first place?

    The Doom Player named Jaskel who was inactive in the finals should NOT be farmed.

    Jaskel was active in the first two rounds of the ASW. Shortly after round 2 he came into CC and informed the clan that he had a work emergency and would not be there for the finals. He gave us 5+ hours of warning.

    He tried to leave the clan and was not able to. He specifically warned us and asked to be kicked at the first opportunity so as not to cause problems or be a leak. When the four hour mark arrived, we had a enough folks to keep him pinned and had a good enough lead that the admins decided not to kick him. We didn't want to see him punished and lose out on the reward for something out of his control. This was decided specifically because he gave a large amount of warning and took a "clan first" approach to dealing with his emergency. He could have looked out for himself and tried to sneak through but instead he offered to be removed for the better of the clan as a whole. In short, he did exactly what he should have and showed that he was a true KaW warrior.

    Jaskel should not be farmed simply because clan Doom tried to do him a favor. He obviously should not get the rewards for round three but he also shouldn't be punished.

  12. Kaw admin I won in all 3 rounds an only received same as my friend who only participated in 1 round huh ?
  13. I think its still in progress, even an acheivement not loaded yet. First they will transfer awards to every1 for participation as already did. Then we should receive same amount for victory. Then- round2 victory, then round 3 victory.
  14. I received nothing yet
  15. I received the inferno aqua amd mith for round one.
    Waiting on round 2 and my achievement.

    Wulf has the round 1 asw badge now. Looks like this may take some time.
  16. 25 inactives certainly hurt our effort in the finals. Congrats to Doom
  17. Glad to see Dev's are giving out prizes like a SoupNazi.

    You do it correctly, you get Soup.
    You don't do it correctly, and No Soup For You!
  18. Thanks KAW for the rewards
  19. Good. Named and shamed
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