2012 All Star War - Inactives List

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by admin, Sep 25, 2012.

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  1. Well that explains why we lost the final round! Harbingers of War!! Gotta say we hung in really well for that many inactives! :D
  2. Some names come with an * and (1), does that mean they change their names?
  3. During the finale, there were just too many leaks.

    Either way, I'm glad the Dev's sorted this mess out.
    Thanks for the lil' exta on Rewards Devs.

    If I may, I recommend including a feature which shows a user's online status.
    In and outside war. (Outside being disabled out of a persons will of course) :)

    That would be a great feature.
  4. So it is coincidence, not alts, that were The-cardinal and the_cardinal, and iceprincess and ice queen?
  5. Solution: make 2 achievements... 1 is regular 2012 ASW, and a second for "2012 ASW (actual combatant)
  6. That were so coincidentally inactive during the same period?
  7. SO they should rename this post to the ASW Wall of shame! hahahha :lol:
  8. I see some folks getting farmed soon…
  9. Lol @ HoD inactive in round 1we stripped the  out of him and another player. Androids are a life saver in a system war. Told us exactly who to strip. Doom outplayed us. I made sure ur inactives payed for their mistake tho.

    Congratz doom on the win. Now let's all get to farming these names here
  10. Fair play i take my hat to you KAW_ADMIN you have done us proud I THINK
  11. I had Internet connection probs at beginning of round 2 so I left as soon as 4 hour mark came so as not to cause clan any more problems .... That is not being inactive
  12. Wow look at apocalypse in round 2 15 inactives that takes the biscuit 
  13. I agree look at the amount of alt names just in the inactive list. imagine how many there are spread thru the active rosters on all teams..... Shows being honest doesn't pay..... What means and method of investigating did u do kaw_admin? Why can't u identify those that used alts to cheat?
  14. WULF, What happen? I'm not on the inactive list, that means I won't get the inactive ASW Badge.
  15. Team Doom FTW
    Thats why we won lol glad my team didnt have so many inactives 
  16. An alt can participate, if their main account wasn't on the the ASW roster. That happened to a few people. As for any other players, we posted a thread for information, and we acted on the ones that we did receive.

    As for the rest, we used all the information we had, and unless we had conclusive evidence, we could not act on it.
  17. Lol
    Now we know y we the Harbingers of WAR
    Lose the finals (inactives)
    "This is how u separate Veterans from Noobs"

    Happy KaWing
  18. This is bollocks to be fair any one who left cus they had issues during the war and didn't want to cause clan a prob is listed as inactive. Anyone who had remained active for the 2 days fell asleep toasted the end and got kicked by admin is listed as inactive. Not fair really. How about a list of those who remained active tho kept themselves open for hits that's a list I'd like to see
  19. People on this thread.

    Here is a perfect farm list?
  20. Lol this is like the walk of shame. I love me a good public tarring. Anyone have feathers to throw?
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