20 matches, 24 no matches. LOL!!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Milky65, Jan 28, 2014.

  1. While 11 person rosters did result in more matches (because there were more clans to match), the 25 person rosters we're currently using now result in more balanced matches. In the 11 person rosters, it was too easy to stack builds and have an unfair advantage over your opposing clan.

    Understandably, both options have issues that will upset some of you, and we're always keeping an eye on how things turn out with wars.
  2. smaller rosters give smaller clans an opportunity to war as well, maybe put in a couple 11 person roster wars in schedule?
  3. @Kaw Community: 11 man rosters = more clans = more matchups. I agree 100%. It also = more money for you Devs, and more happy players being able to war. Everyone keeps saying things like "we have an eye on it" and "roster numbers will be adjusted" but NOTHING is happening.
  4. As I've mentioned before however, from the Chaos Wars we determined that 11 Player Rosters resulted in a larger imbalance during wars. At this point for Season 3 we don't have plans to adjust the roster size, however again, we are watching how things go. I know it sounds like we're not taking action, but there are reasons why these things can't just be changed like that.
  5. Anything that brings match ups are good unless they are bad matchups!


    Btw @ kaw guy - have you ever thought of divisions? Say 10mil cs and down can war in little league and 10mil cs up war in big league! I think it would be gr8 cuz we could finally see some real matchups with real acc's and not manipulated rosters like we have now with current system! In other words all acc's that war in big league must be 10mil cs and up...little league 10mil cs and down

    Cheers happy kawing
    More matchups to the community
  6. That's not bad compared to season one for worms.
  7. You gotta admit that the system is broken when 70%-50% of successful ee clans rosters are gh/s1h!?
  8. 24 no matches = the devs are fixing old issues, either you get 24 no matches or 24 loop sided matches.
  9. I'd rather have NO MATCH , then an unfair matchup , and likely lose my EE level (THREE TIMES )

    Blame the CLANS who are stacking too many LB, or GH to their roster :roll: I'm glad the devs are starting to refuse to match them
  10. At the end of the day, no matter what they do, SOMEbody's gonna complain about it . But think about it; would you rather have no match, and get your mith back.


    Get a crap match , get stomped, lose the pots, ee and rancor levels, plus the 4-6 hours you spend messing with all of it just to lose.
  11. Interesting that devs are now immediately locking match threads.

    Never a better message to show that they're both incompetent and indifferent.

    Nice work devs.
  12. Have you guys getting no matches actually spent the time to look at rosters of all of the other clans in your range?
  13. Can anyone explain how we got match chaos reborn dragon ??? We have 10 gh in team , and op team have smallest 11m cs , next up 14m cs and more up and with big lbs , can that person who made this match wake up and see real what his done And give him retraining on matching teams .
  14. Play-boy :

    Maybe it's because you have a crap ton of LBs?
  15. And zaft vs ghost legion
  16. No Minas we don't , it's definatly bad matches made
  17. here is a thought and maybe its been brought up before but if certain clans are stacking rosters with gh/sh maybe dont cast a war with any gh/sh on your roster and either be really big above the gh so they cant hit your peeps or go heavy towered builds so they will fail?
  18. Support 11 man again! Always had matches an they were FAIR! Now we either get a no match or someone that vastly outweighs our strength. So for those of you saying stuff like "better no match then a bad match" well people are getting both, so obviously the devs need to fix something
  19. 11 man rosters were fun at first. Got some decent matches ... Then the last 3 chaos wars i participated in were basically 4-6 LB that hardly no one could plunder off of, and 7-5 GH that hardly no one could plunder off of 