2 free xtals and 2 free nobs

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Big_Bad_MaGoo, Dec 21, 2013.

  1. I wish people would remember this is a game. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
  2. By let it die, I mean stop making it in AT
  3. What tis this AT you speakth of?
  4. Go back to FF killzone.
  5. OP needs to stop crying 
  6. Hi everyone,

    All of the Health Crystals and Nobility Points should have gone out by now. Again if you didn't get the messages on Friday please restart your app entirely/ If you still haven't gotten them after that please contact support@athinkingape.com and they can assist you.

    Thank you and Happy Holidays ^^
  7. Thank 4 the nobs and xtals